Was anyone ever be able to kill Terminsel?

Was anyone ever be able to kill Terminsel?
I will not spoiler his true identity, but he is probably the most powerful magician in the game.
(If you do not have well armed and prepared group on high levels, you will be dead within a few seconds.)
His defeat is challenge itself, but killing him is almost impossible because he is immune even against cheats.
But everything can be killed...
I will not spoiler his true identity, but he is probably the most powerful magician in the game.
(If you do not have well armed and prepared group on high levels, you will be dead within a few seconds.)
His defeat is challenge itself, but killing him is almost impossible because he is immune even against cheats.
But everything can be killed...
1) TimeFlayer combo
2) Disintegrate
3) Flesh to Stone
But none of these tactics has not been too successful.
He is a very hard nut to crack.
And someone with such a fantastic name must possess fantastic items.
That makes him hostile.
1. Cast Timestop, allowing you to autohit enemies
2. Shapechange into a Mindflayer
3. ????
4. Eat Brains
1. Cast Improved Haste (in case you are looking to cause faster carnage amongst enemies)
2. Cast Timestop
3. Shapechange into a Mindflayer
4. Eat Brains
if it doesn't, anyone has a save game i could use and test my MG on him? ^^
P.S. I do not wish to activate cheat in the game (as the last time I tried.. strange things happens)
Where can you first time find Timestop scroll ?
The only thing he is missing is a kind of destroy/kill(Playerx) scripted action for all the psychos trying to kill him
Edit: amulet not ring
You are great moder, do not you know what script is responsible for the behavior Min1HP?
Even though I removed his belt, he is still immortal.
And yes, his immortality is thanks to the fixed minhp1.
By the way, I should mention that Terminsel cheats.
He is using Ring of protection, cloak of protection and amulet of protection at the same time!
Shame on him!
"I want no part of it"
No pointy hat, this guy is wearing a basic helmet ?!
This is an outrage. Gamers of the World, unite!
We want Beamdog to refund our money in full.
I think i killed him before he ranaway after conversation ... (oh dear my memmory is fragmenting .... ).