Undisarmable trap in the Kresselack's Tomb causes the Unconcious effect that doesn't end with a hit

There's an Undisarmable trap in the Kresselack's Tomb, at the first level.
It can't be detected even with 105 in Disarm traps.

Although some walkthroughs mention this trap should be undisarmable (for example, http://guidesarchive.ign.com/guides/13559/kresselack1.html) - it's strange, at least, that the trap is not detected at all. If you consider this trap shouldn't be disarmable, make it detectable at least.
The second problem with this trap is that it makes characters unconscious, but when summoned skeletons from the trap attack and automatically hit your unconscious characters, the characters don't wake up, although they should - at least, the description (and the actual behaviour) of the party's Sleep spell is that when an unconscious enemy is hit, he awakens immediately. But the unconscious effect from this trap acts differently.
My character was killed without awakening, and blows didn't come simultaneosly, they happened in different rounds.

Version: IWDEE 1.4, Windows, no mods.
Current behavior:
1. The trap is undetectable and undisarmable.
2. The unconscious effect from the trap doesn't end when an unconscious character is hit.
Expected behavior:
1. The trap is detectable and disarmable, or at least, detectable.
2. The unconscious effect from the trap ends when an unconscious character is hit.
The save is attached.
It can't be detected even with 105 in Disarm traps.

Although some walkthroughs mention this trap should be undisarmable (for example, http://guidesarchive.ign.com/guides/13559/kresselack1.html) - it's strange, at least, that the trap is not detected at all. If you consider this trap shouldn't be disarmable, make it detectable at least.
The second problem with this trap is that it makes characters unconscious, but when summoned skeletons from the trap attack and automatically hit your unconscious characters, the characters don't wake up, although they should - at least, the description (and the actual behaviour) of the party's Sleep spell is that when an unconscious enemy is hit, he awakens immediately. But the unconscious effect from this trap acts differently.
My character was killed without awakening, and blows didn't come simultaneosly, they happened in different rounds.

Version: IWDEE 1.4, Windows, no mods.
Current behavior:
1. The trap is undetectable and undisarmable.
2. The unconscious effect from the trap doesn't end when an unconscious character is hit.
Expected behavior:
1. The trap is detectable and disarmable, or at least, detectable.
2. The unconscious effect from the trap ends when an unconscious character is hit.
The save is attached.