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IWD EE game play issues

Hi everyone. I recently started playing IWD EE on my tablet and the game is going great. However, on my half elf ranger his constitution is steadily decreasing throughout the game (marked in red) and I don't know why or how to correct it. Any advice or suggestions?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    perhaps it is some sort of disease? try remove disease, if its in red, that means it is temporary ( although in theory it could be permenant if not treated, like if it was a disease for example) so try out an antidote, mummy's tea, cure disease, heal ( and perhaps the restoration spells - if IWD EE has them) and see if any of those help out
  • hanksaccounthanksaccount Member Posts: 4
    I tried cure disease and no change. Nothing shows up under my player profile or in the portrait but, my constitution had dropped down to 12 and is in red. I'm not sure what to try next.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    could it be an item that you have equipped that is dropping it? are you wearing any cursed gear?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Or is your ranger a beastmaster who is summoning familiars that are killed, with a constitution loss of 1 each time.
  • hanksaccounthanksaccount Member Posts: 4
    That would be it. I didn't know they lost a constitution point every time. Is this permanent?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Yes, although if you have the PC/Mac versions you could use EE Keeper to remove the effects, or zip and attach a save here and someone may do that for you.
  • hanksaccounthanksaccount Member Posts: 4
    I only have it on my tablet and wasn't that far into the game so I just started over workout a beast master. Is there anyway to add an exported character to a current game?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    In multiplayer, yes.
    In single player you'll need something like ES File Explorer so you can locate the save
    (off the top of my head, somewhere like: android -> icewinddaleenhancededition -> data -> save ->)

    Then copy it to mpsave. Use the game to add the character at load. Save & copy back.
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