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Any advice on TorGal

Hi guys,

Im at the end of the quest to help Nalia and I need to kill the troll boss TorGal. I am a conjurer and have Minsc, Jaheira, Valygar, Anomen, and Nalia in my party. I have crafted the flail of ages and generally my characters have +1 weapons. I'm really stuck trying to kill him, any advice guys?

Many thanks,



  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Try and split up the enemies in the room as well as you can. Don't be afraid to utilize the hallways and doors to try and lock some out, so you can pick them off one by one.

    TorGal himself is pretty strong, make sure you move out with characters he is attacking when their HP drops low, so he switches targets. If you bounce him around a bit while the rest of the party keeps on whacking, he should go down eventually.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Torgal is basically just a melee monster, so you can either kite him as @Lord_Tansheron suggested, or summon monsters as meat shields, or prepare one of your characters to be a dedicated tank. Looking at your party Jaheira would be the most obvious candidate. If she has unlocked Iron Skins she can go toe to toe with Torgal for quite a while. Anomen can also become a great tank if you can boost his Dexterity. Defensive Harmony (priest spell) is also nice to give your party an edge in fights like this.
  • MMMMKMMMMK Member Posts: 30
    Make sure to do the standard prebuffing before the fight (Stoneskins/Ironskins, Protection from Evil 10' radius, improved invis on your tanks, haste, chant, ect.) Then lure him into the previous room you came from and set up your melee fighters around the door so only 1 troll can get in at a time. He should go down quite easily.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    If you have it, Polymorph Self: Mustard Jelly.

    Torgal deals piercing damage, as do his friends, so Mustard Jelly is immune to anything he can do, and the rest of your party should be able to take them down one by one.
  • luskanluskan Member Posts: 269
    If you don't have Polymorph Self, you hopefully have the Elves Bane belt (-3 to piercing attacks) to help.

    He can temporary drain your strength stat so try to position your party in a way that he focuses on only one (who can absorb the hits or doesn't rely on strength) and have the rest of the party focus on one enemy at a time to quickly turn the odds in your favour. As soon as a troll falls, have all but one party member attack what's still standing while that one member finishes it off with fire or acid.

    If the flail hits and the slow triggers, it's even easier.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Greater malison and slow. Doom maybe. And glitterdust. Torgal has some magic resistance but if you can get past that and slow him, he is declawed:his attack rate goes down as well as his regeneration.

    I open the fight with web+cloudkills from the door way, either wands or spells, to spam the area. It hits giant trolls and kees them there, as well as disrupts yuan-ti magi near him.

    Torgal can see invisible so you can lure him away from his group with an invisible character, and close the door once he enters and gang on him.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Lay traps. Lure him invisible as @lunar said.

    You can use the Sewer Cloak to use the mustard jelly strategy. Just let someone being attacked while the others take him down with missile weapons. You must have plenty of fire and acid arrows by this moment.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Yea I do what others do. I cheese the fight by casting large amounts of Web into the area the trolls are in and then I get Torgal's attention and gang up on him in the other room. :)
  • NuinNuin Member Posts: 451
    edited March 2016
    Nalia actually has all the tools you need for this fight (and most others, she has one of best starting spell selections in the game).
    She has Web/Polymorph Self and even starts with Cloudkill if you get her at high enough levels. The only problem with her is that she doesn't start with Haste, though it's a pretty common spell scroll.
    With Polymorph Self she can kill downed trolls, move through Web as a Sword Spider, hit the golems in the secret room as a gnoll and tank trolls as a jelly. She even has Chromatic Orb and Slow, iirc, for the yuan ti/umber hulks.
    Post edited by Nuin on
  • sansserifsansserif Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2016
    The lilarcor and sword of chaos might work..

    [EDIT] replied in a haste earlier.
    I had issues dealing with torgal when i just started the game, despite in Normal difficulty. I found out it's much easier if you do the following:

    Place summons around you prior to approaching him (and thus, letting the script trigger). He's much resistant to Cloudkill and other magic spells, though, so it's better to lure him out alone and into the Umber Hulk room where your party awaits. Make sure your party is properly positioned with your melee fighters in front and your casters/healers behind. I think he needs at least +2 to hit and +3 to do sufficient damage. At this point you should have the Flail of Ages which you could use, and the Lilarcor. Both are +3 weapons and the Flail has % to slow enemy down.
    Post edited by sansserif on
  • James_MJames_M Member Posts: 141
    edited March 2016
    Tough fight, you have to micro-manage the positions of your melee fighters/summons. Call-in some summoned creatures; full buff beforehand (aid, chant, draw upon holy might, bless, defensive harmony, improved invisibility, protection vs evil); drink some potions: potion of giant strength, haste, defense, agility, mind focusing, heroism, etc., if you have. Quaff a potion of healing when needed, and a potion of invisibility if in serious trouble. You can do it!
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    AoE spam (web, cloudkill, fireball, holy smite, glyph of warding etc) to start off the battle.

    Ranged weapons with Chromatic Orb when trolls get stuck in the web.

    Monster Summons when they are out of the web while casting spells that either lower their attack rolls (such as doom and chant) and send in the heavy hitters.

    because the trolls regenerate, focus on a single target until it is down with the majority of your party while one or two (preferably with the highest AB) attacks the other.
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