Opening Up Dual Class and Multi Class Options?
in BG:EE Mods
Can't find anything on this, but are the options available still hard coded? Say I want to be a fighter/Ranger or Sorcerer/Cleric?.
for example in that 2da file, you can look up all the dual class options that are allowed and not allowed ( I believe they are followed by 1s= allowed, and 0s=not allowed) now in theory what you could do is make them all 1 for dual classing ( and also make it so other races can dual class) and have it so that any first class can dual class
so example: say you have your sorcerer and you have all the options set to "1" in the 2da file, so now that you can dual class with any class and any race, if you press the dual class options then they should all be highlighted and available, so if you wanted your sorcerer to dual class over into a cleric you could do so
but with that being said, I think that "second class for dual classing" is hardcoded in the sense that you can only dual class over to the class available ( so just fighter, mage, thief, cleric, ranger, druid)
also you will have to remember about dual classing is the alignment/ability score minimums required to dual class ( these can also be changed as well if you want to change them)
but in terms of multi classing that is going to be quite tricky, because even if you find a way to make sorcerer/cleric as a multiclass option, you will have to find a way to make it so the game will recognize that as a programmable option
and lastly, even though it is a pain, with EE keeper you can make it so that you can in essence dual class any combination ( so a fighter dualing into a sorcerer for example) the only thing is though, you might have to add in the class features yourself if you want to do something like that
for example say you were a level 7 fighter than dualed over into mage, then use EE keeper to switch mage for sorcerer, save file go back to game, and you will realize that you are the fighter dual sorcerer, but all your "sorcerer" abilities will probably be the exact same as the mage abilities, so what you might have to do, is use EE keeper to swop everything over to sorcerer, although at the same time you might luck out and when you level up that sorcerer by 1 level it might automatically change all your "mage" abilities over to a sorcerer, so theres that to experiment with
You can open up the dual-class and multi-class options for all races (i.e., allowing all races to dual-class and be any multi-class). You can also use EE Keeper to add a kit to a dual- or multi-classed character.