Share your favorite Sequencer/Trigger/Contingency Combos

I am pretty boring in that regard, so I was wondering, if other people would make some fancy uses I haven't thought of.
Here are my usual set ups
Minor Sequencer: Magic Missile x2 or Melf x2 or Web/Stinking Cloud
No defensive use here. Most of the time I go with MMx2 for the quick extra damage. I take the double Melf, when I know there is going to be a lot of Mages, or with Web/Stinking Cloud to control big mobs.
Spell Sequencer: Improved Invis/Fireshield/Stoneskin or Remove Magic x3 or Flame Arrow x3 or Malison/Emotion/Confusion
I go with the defensive set up for elongated major encounters in the early to mid game. Once my casting level is high enough, I usually go with the RMx3 as a quick, safe and painless method to mass dispel enemy protections. The occasional mage with SI:Abj might be a nuisance, but it's not hard to strip it down before, if necessary.
The damage or the crowd control options are also nice, and do see occasional use.
Spell Trigger: Pierce Magic x2/Breach or Lower Resistance x3 or PfMW/PfME/Spell Shield
PMx2/Breach is my fav combo, a very reliable way of wrecking a single opponents protections, if RM isn't an option. LRx3 is the standard anti-Adamantite Golem method before I get my hands on the Rod of Smiting. The other combo is the defensive set up for long, hard and mage-heavy encounters.
Contingency: PfMW if helpless
Pretty self explanatory, I get 4 rounds to bail my mage out. I see little reason to choose anything else here.
Chain Contingency: PfMW/Spell Turning/Spell Shield, usually at 50% HP
I'm not a big fan of offensive set ups, as it is hard to pull them off in the intendedway(I never cast CC during combat, since I consider this an exploit). So I just go with some protections to help my mage getting out of trouble.
Here are my usual set ups
Minor Sequencer: Magic Missile x2 or Melf x2 or Web/Stinking Cloud
No defensive use here. Most of the time I go with MMx2 for the quick extra damage. I take the double Melf, when I know there is going to be a lot of Mages, or with Web/Stinking Cloud to control big mobs.
Spell Sequencer: Improved Invis/Fireshield/Stoneskin or Remove Magic x3 or Flame Arrow x3 or Malison/Emotion/Confusion
I go with the defensive set up for elongated major encounters in the early to mid game. Once my casting level is high enough, I usually go with the RMx3 as a quick, safe and painless method to mass dispel enemy protections. The occasional mage with SI:Abj might be a nuisance, but it's not hard to strip it down before, if necessary.
The damage or the crowd control options are also nice, and do see occasional use.
Spell Trigger: Pierce Magic x2/Breach or Lower Resistance x3 or PfMW/PfME/Spell Shield
PMx2/Breach is my fav combo, a very reliable way of wrecking a single opponents protections, if RM isn't an option. LRx3 is the standard anti-Adamantite Golem method before I get my hands on the Rod of Smiting. The other combo is the defensive set up for long, hard and mage-heavy encounters.
Contingency: PfMW if helpless
Pretty self explanatory, I get 4 rounds to bail my mage out. I see little reason to choose anything else here.
Chain Contingency: PfMW/Spell Turning/Spell Shield, usually at 50% HP
I'm not a big fan of offensive set ups, as it is hard to pull them off in the intendedway(I never cast CC during combat, since I consider this an exploit). So I just go with some protections to help my mage getting out of trouble.
I am rather surprised you didn't list Skull Trap x3 anywhere... That is a seriously powerful sequencer!
-Contingency (helpless) with Stoneskin
-Chain Contingency (helpless) filled with Simulacrum + Mass Invisibility + Protection from the Elements
And I start by casting Project Image, instantly triggering my contingencies and creating an image, a simulacrum, everyone including the original is under Improved Invisibility and the real caster cannot be instakill by a backstab or a Dragon's Breath.
Generally I use spells that take a long time to cast Iin sequencers and contingencies.
Going PfMW, and then have the priest doing something has proven to be the better route for me.
Btw, you can also cast Remove Magic to get rid of Charm or Domination effects.