Solo mage, how do you deal with killing trolls?
Member Posts: 927
You're gunna run out of acid arrows and flame arrows pretty quick.
2: Wand of Fire. - Wands exist for mages to spam spells they'll need frequently. 6D6 twice kills one troll that's down and hurts several more.
3: Death Spell. - See 1.
4: Polymorph Self: Mustard Jelly + Fireshields + Wand of Fire. - Trolls can't hurt jellies, fireshields tears down their health faster than it regenerates, blow yourself up with a fireball with impunity.
5: Melf's Meteors. - Damage with fire shields, finish with a single melf's.
6: Scrolls of Acid Arrow. - Cheap as chips. And it was either this or re-scribe them for enough Exp for Death Spell.
Make sure you have Stoneskin and MI up, then wait for a whole group of them to swarm you and just batter them with fire aoe.
MMM will also finish them off, if needs be.
Melf's minute meteors last forever and you can only use them for the finishing moves. You can finish off one troll per caster level.
Melfs is very good obviously and you can avoid melee with them, but sometimes you run out.
Of course with the current apr bug in bg2ee, when melfs runs out you might end up with a buffed hasted flind with aforementioned Halberd doing 6 attacks per round until you reload... super cheesy cheat available (whether you want the cheat or not you're stuck with it until you can save/load) as early as lvl 7
we also have , Melfs Acid Arrow , fireshield red, fireball, sunfire, polymorph flind, melfs minute mitorite, as mage you have quite the options
Note that you can freely change forms as long as the spell is up. So can just fight trolls->change into a flind to finish them off->change back into your human form->move to the next group and repeat.
To be fair, though, there is a lesser apr bug in BGT; the Boots of Speed add an extra attack. Actually, I don't know if it's a bug or it's intentional, but it's very cheesy.
Change Log for v2.0:
And still not as broken as 5apr.
Dee said:
Increased APR from magical projectiles now ends correctly when they are depleted (11061)
When is this patch scheduled to come out?
A screenshot of the combat log or character screen wouldn't have proved anything anyway, especially if you have other mods installed. You'll need a weidu log and either a changelog or an examination of BGT's tp2 file that shows alterations were made to the item in question by BGT, plus a screenshot of the item's properties in NI, etc.
Probably way off topic anyway. TL;DR version, it's not BGT, it's vanilla BG2 that's 'bugged'.
As shown here, death spell utterly decimates them. The skull animation is a nifty one I took from one mod (refinements, I think) and added to the vanilla spell as it looks so cool.
What else would your level 20 sorcerer use with those spell slots anyway? Wish? Summon Planetar? Nah.