[Windows] Shroud of Flame spell

[Windows][Beamdog Store][IWDEEv1.4.0]
1. Start new game with pregen party.
2. Move to and clear out cellar.
3. Console 2 different creatures with Bad save vs. Spell and enough HP to see ongoing damage.
4. Console:CreateCreature("neoorogg") - Neo Orog General
5. Console:CreateCreature("neooroge") - Neo Orog Marauder
6. Move Iluana and Garris close to the Neo Orogs, move rest of party out of way.
7. Over Iluana - Console:Eval("ActionOverride(Myself,ReallyForceSpellRES(\"SPWI524\",NearestEnemyOf(Myself)))")
Observed: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell takes an extra 2d6 fire damage in the first round.
- Expected: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell should not take an extra 2d6 fire damage in the first round.
Observed: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell is offered to make a Saving Throw to end the effect every round.
- Expected: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell should only be offered a Saving Throw when it is first cast, if they fail that, the Shroud should last its full duration.
Observed: Each round, the per-round area of effect hits 4 times in immediate succession for 1d4 fire damage.
- Expected: The per-round area of effect should hit once per round for 1d4 fire damage.
Observed: Anyone struck by the area effect never contracts the Shroud effect, nor do they roll a Saving throw to avoid contracting the Shroud effect.
- Expected: Anyone struck by the area effect not already affected with a Shroud effect should roll a saving throw to avoid contracting the Shroud effect for the remaining duration of the spell.
Observed: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell takes these 4x 1d4 fire damage of the area effect every round after the first, in addition to their 2d6 fire damage, if they failed the Saving Throw the round before.
- Expected: The inital target of the Shroud of Flame spell should never take the area effect damage from their own Shroud, only from the shroud of others.
Observed: The original caster of the spell is immune to the area effect of the spell. If he's close enough, Garris is still hit with the area effect - it's not being party friendly, its just being caster-friendly.
- Expected: The original caster should be subject to the area effect of the spell if they are within range.
1. Start new game with pregen party.
2. Move to and clear out cellar.
3. Console 2 different creatures with Bad save vs. Spell and enough HP to see ongoing damage.
4. Console:CreateCreature("neoorogg") - Neo Orog General
5. Console:CreateCreature("neooroge") - Neo Orog Marauder
6. Move Iluana and Garris close to the Neo Orogs, move rest of party out of way.
7. Over Iluana - Console:Eval("ActionOverride(Myself,ReallyForceSpellRES(\"SPWI524\",NearestEnemyOf(Myself)))")
Observed: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell takes an extra 2d6 fire damage in the first round.
- Expected: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell should not take an extra 2d6 fire damage in the first round.
Observed: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell is offered to make a Saving Throw to end the effect every round.
- Expected: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell should only be offered a Saving Throw when it is first cast, if they fail that, the Shroud should last its full duration.
Observed: Each round, the per-round area of effect hits 4 times in immediate succession for 1d4 fire damage.
- Expected: The per-round area of effect should hit once per round for 1d4 fire damage.
Observed: Anyone struck by the area effect never contracts the Shroud effect, nor do they roll a Saving throw to avoid contracting the Shroud effect.
- Expected: Anyone struck by the area effect not already affected with a Shroud effect should roll a saving throw to avoid contracting the Shroud effect for the remaining duration of the spell.
Observed: The initial target of the Shroud of Flame spell takes these 4x 1d4 fire damage of the area effect every round after the first, in addition to their 2d6 fire damage, if they failed the Saving Throw the round before.
- Expected: The inital target of the Shroud of Flame spell should never take the area effect damage from their own Shroud, only from the shroud of others.
Observed: The original caster of the spell is immune to the area effect of the spell. If he's close enough, Garris is still hit with the area effect - it's not being party friendly, its just being caster-friendly.
- Expected: The original caster should be subject to the area effect of the spell if they are within range.