Weapon Equipping

This is nice, and long overdue:
Players may now equip an off-hand weapon while a ranged weapon is present in a quick weapon slot (16944)
Players can now equip a weapon or shield in the off-hand slot regardless of what weapons are in the quick weapon slots (12362)
Players may now equip an off-hand weapon while a ranged weapon is present in a quick weapon slot (16944)
Players can now equip a weapon or shield in the off-hand slot regardless of what weapons are in the quick weapon slots (12362)
Personally, while I think the criticism of two-weapon fighting balance is very reasonable, I don't think player inconvenience is a good solution to balance issues. It's not like there's actually anything stopping a character from switching between two-weapon and ranged setups. It's just less convenient than switching between many other setups. But that's my two cents, and I don't want to devalue the original argument, even if I don't entirely agree with it.
From someone who played a stalker throughout the trilogy, I can say this is a welcome change. It really brings the character in line with their skillset regarding roleplaying without metagaming knowlege/items or considering playing/powergaming in other ways (such as a different race) once you've experienced a more powerful character.
It would have been nice if single weapon style was selectable alongside tw style, so can see why most fighters wont bother with it as the change is made.
Quality of life improvements are well worth investing in. Having something as a tedious chore within a game should not be considered part of a balancing mechanic.
That said I would be in favour of the other weapon styles receiving an upgrade or TWF receiving some sort of additional penalty.
The question of externalizing the style bonuses further is an interesting one, although it's beyond the scope of what's needed for current development (which doesn't mean it couldn't ever be done, but it means that doing it isn't a priority).
I have however used mods that overhauled the bonuses from weapon styles, so I simply assumed that there was enough support in the way the game was built for people to change stuff like that
My bards always start Longsword/crossbow and then my blade goes into DW. It'll be nice to occasionally remember those roots.
I do remember how important it was to get more apr to such an extent that I didn't even bother with single and 2H style.
There's nothing more dissapointing that being so engaged in a trilogy, getting to the end, and realising that your main guy is the 5th wheel.
Did you try adding a 6th party member?
- Main-hand Damage
- Main-hand THAC0
- Off-hand Damage
- Off-hand THAC0
- AC
- AC vs. Missile Weapons
- Speed Factor
- Critical Range
Which is substantial, but what @subtledoctor would prefer is the ability to run these effects through (I imagine) SPL files, so that modders could change them to whatever effect they like.
Which isn't a bad idea, but I imagine it's also non-trivial to change it.
Speaking of which, anyone know if it's possible to modify the base APR of different classes? I'd like to experiment with giving everyone fighter base APR and see what that does to game and fighting style balance.
Sucked in NWN because you could build a character that crit with every hit, and essentially only missed at high levels with feats, where you'd hit at low levels without them. Not even going to mention the high level/epic crit feats.
Sucked slightly less in KOTOR because you had to actively select the skill instead of it being passive - which I kind of liked, but was a pain, and at higher levels was again pointless.
If I was a modder I might try to plan a system that took weapon profs further and did away with HLA's for fighters - maybe expand individual weapons with the 3.5 edition features such as critical range, threat, damage, etc. Assuming it was possible.
I never liked how my two weapon fighter had the same APR as my shield or THW user when using HLA whirlwind styles. I never liked the HLA's after the, this-is-really-cool-cause-its-new faze wore off, and would have way rather have seen them increase the power of weapon styles.
Anyways, I just spent too much time reading through all this not to at least say something.