Need help in my fight

Good day all of you. I'm really an average BG player, and I can't defeat Demogorgon or the Watcher's Keep boss.
Can someone help me? I can upload my save to you so you can check what is wrong (wich is probably me lol)
Am i under leveled to fight, is my party wrong, not enough magic?
For the interested the save is just before Demogorgon.
Can someone help me? I can upload my save to you so you can check what is wrong (wich is probably me lol)
Am i under leveled to fight, is my party wrong, not enough magic?
For the interested the save is just before Demogorgon.
What kind of strategies are you using for the fight? Also are you buffing up to max before pull (your spellbook seems to be rather random)?
I tried a few summons, didn't help much at the time.
Like I said, I'm average, not sure my spellbook are optimized well.
Normally I cast everything at my party, but I get killed quickly.
If you're having trouble surviving Demogorgon's attacks, remember to make liberal use of potions and, if that's not enough, move a Stoneskined and Mirror Imaged mage in to tank the hits for your fighters.
Other than that, remember that Improved Haste is your friend here, and in every other difficult fight. Pop it on your fighters and let the fun begin.
Equip the Amulet of Power on a spellcaster, on Minsc is pretty wasted.
As for the rest, there were way too many many things to comment on.
@SpaceInvader You seems to find I'm in trouble. When you got time please give me more tips.
It's just a matter of efficiency
Nothing that will stop you from finishing the game.
- Stack fire resistance on melee. You have potion of fire resistance and rings, so move them around so that all your melees have 100%+.
- Give jaheira amulet of power, because level drain
- Start with greater whirlwind, use potions afterwards, whirlwind whenever you can. If you are getting low on hp and potion is on cooldown then run away until it retargets
- Mages should start with pierce shield x 3 -> spam horrid wilting (Aerie-Implosion). Demogorgon has 100% fire resistance so forget about 9th level spells.
- Don't bother using breach, demogorgon is immune to it. You need to manually smash stoneskin
- You can kill one of the mariliths first or go straight to demogorgon (I prefer latter). If you are killing mariliths then remember to breach first
Give main char Foebane.
Minsc can use axe + angurvadal and give jaheira girdle of stone giant strength.
In this way your strengths become 22-22-20 (previously 22-20-16).
For demogorgon fight along though don't use angurvadal since demogorgon is immune to fire.
Edit : Just realized your minsc has no points in axe lol (I killed demo with axe), use something else. Flail of many heads or runehammer would be nice choice..
Protection from evil, chant, bless, defensive harmony => Self-explanatory
Chaotic Commands => Protects you from charms and lasts forever, spam it on everyone.
Armor of Faith => Gives 20%-25% damage reduction for the entire fight. A must-have for melee characters!
Remove/Resist Fear => Prevents fear. Demogorgon doesn't use fear but it can prevent morale failures, Abazigal on the other hand...
Iron Skins, Stoneskin, Mirror Image => They soak certain number of damages, Iron skins is especially important because jaheira will be fighting on front.
Regenerate => Gives you valuable extra HP.
Righteous Magic + Draw upon holy might => Gives you godly strength. They stack with each other and with other strength enhancing stuff Aerie can reach 25 strength in no time. How powerful is it? Strength 10 Aerie does 11-14 damage with sling, 25 strength Aerie does whopping 25-28.
Improved Haste OR Free Action => Demogorgon likes to hold you can chop hapless character to pieces, so for this fight immunity to hold is actually very solid choice. Or just go for extra attacks and speed, whatever you prefer.
Greater Restoration => Is a potent emergency spell, 3 seconds short cast time, heals to max hp and removes poison and disease. You get fatigue but that's better than getting killed huh?
I was able to defeat is human form, but when he transform into a dragon, I receive massive damage to my party.
For those who helped me before, any clue?
What to cast? My weapons don't have any effect on him, so help me understand.
Like I said before, I'm quite noob at D&D. I can play the game, understand some elements, but that is beyond me.
Thanks again all for your time.
As far as i remember (long time didn't play on no difficulty mod), he is using protection from magic weapon, several time..
So use breach followed by kelben warding whip (so everytime he cast a new protection, it get dispelled automatically in the round).
Good work on asking the question--it's the most effective tactic. Just lurking the these forums is helping me tremendously.
Having said that, it's a risky proposition against Draconis, because he hits for truckloads of acid damage with his breath weapon, and that'll go straight through your defenses. I believe he also has a spell that lowers acid resistance, so even buffing against acid specifically may not keep your mages safe against him.
It was hard for me at first, but I changed tactics, used Chain Contingency to breach and to spam Horrid Wilting, it worked ^^ (My PC is actually an Elf Dragon Disciple), I had some kind of bug at that time so I couldn't stop him with Time Stop.
Draconis wasn't much of a threat for me.
Never bothered killing the Demogorgon though.
Btw, what's your difficulty level? My internet isn't really working right now so I can't download your file.
That's not a bug, actually. It's the intended behavior. A few enemies in the game, including Abazigal and Demogorgon, are simply immune to Time Stop.
@Jarrakul Hmm that's strange, because I recently watched a Youtube video of someone playing BG2EE who goes by the YouTube name Kart, he was able to stop Abazigal with a Time Stop. (This link)Similarly, Haeravon's guide mentioned that he used a Time Stop on Abazigal. I had the same problem with Melissan. That's what led me to believing my game was bugged.