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I find it ironic that...

LongtimerLongtimer Member Posts: 7
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
For a game that has been a shining light for story and interaction, the single biggest addition, and the single biggest use of resources and time (apart from bug fixes) has been to make an arena that by definition has nether of the two standout things that made the reputation of the game.


  • happslapphappslapp Member Posts: 53
    not exactly sure what your saying but i feel i agree. if the delay was based on the black pits i would gladly drop it for the game in 4 days
  • LongtimerLongtimer Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2012
    I'm not commenting on the delay, I've done so elsewhere. I'm more commenting on the apparent priorities the devs have for the game. Making content that doesn't reflect the game's overwhelming draw would seem to be missing the point somewhat, I'd also go as far as to say that this new 'content' would seem to be shoehorned into the existing framework and not particularly aimed at, or suited to, the audience the game was originally aimed at.

    I'll agree that there are those who enjoy the combat system, but in turn it has to be agreed that combat was never the priority for the the overwhelming majority of the original player and to make content that doesn't have it's priority firmly with the audience who has brought the game to it's current heights would seem to be at odds with the very reason an update should exist.

    Compared to what kind of content could have been the priority for the devs, 'some dumb fighting arena' seems rather a cheap and particularly easy way out, yes, there has also been a story quest done that the devs are holding back as a 'surprise' but as it would seem, from the secrecy, not to be good enough to be used as a selling point for the game then it can't be up to much, as the devs WOULD NOT hold back information of a 'major' addition.
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    Oh look everyone, Mr. Fancypants doesn't like arena combat. Well if that doesn't please you, they're adding an anime catgirl NPC named Kimiko that you can have sex with before even leaving Candlekeep. You degenerate.
  • LongtimerLongtimer Member Posts: 7
    ramagons said:

    Oh look everyone, Mr. Fancypants doesn't like arena combat. Well if that doesn't please you, they're adding an anime catgirl NPC named Kimiko that you can have sex with before even leaving Candlekeep. You degenerate.

    Hmm... that's quite a knee jerk reaction you have there, especially as nothing I've said puts me into the excessive romance crowd either.

    Me thinks you doth protest too much.

  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    That was meant to be an internal monologue to myself.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    @Longtimer What did you expect from an enhanced version of an existing game? 3 new NPC's, a new playable kit, news areas/quests, and yes, the battle royale that is the black pits, enhance the game just fine in my opinion. All of this is in addition to the improved graphics and squashed bugs. In my estimation, the new NPC's should interact with CHARNAME as well as original NPC's, and I'm expecting new interactive dialogue in the new areas and battles. I suppose I'm differentiating between expansions or sequels, but this fits my definition of enhancement while staying true to the original. I am honestly unfamiliar with other enhanced editions of existing games. Has there been a precedent set of altering the original story in other instances?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    ramagons said:

    Oh look everyone, Mr. Fancypants doesn't like arena combat. Well if that doesn't please you, they're adding an anime catgirl NPC named Kimiko that you can have sex with before even leaving Candlekeep. You degenerate.

    Wait. REALLY?

    *looks everywhere*

    ...Oh, I get it.
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    Aosaw said:

    Wait. REALLY?

    *looks everywhere*

    ...Oh, I get it.

    well, there's a couple of months left. Here's hoping they can fit her character into the game. Here's a haiku I did to flesh out her design. No need to thank me, beamdog.

    my sweet kimiko
    you eat a lot of tuna
    not euphemism
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    More on topic, I think you might be overestimating the amount of time spent on the Black Pits. Creating content takes comparatively very little time. It's the massive overhaul (get it?) of the game's engine that requires serious man-hours.

    The Black Pits adventure is there as an extra thing if you want to play it. There's a bit of a story to it, but it's not supposed to be a major part of your BG:EE experience by any means.
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    On the topic of The black pits,
    Am i the only one that have wanted downloadable adventure modules for bg? Whether they come in IWD combat or PS:T interactive book format i`d like quality content not linked to the main story.
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Not really ironic...
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @Tr_ond You are not the only person who would love downloadable adventure modules. You have my backing good sir.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Adventures modules (i.e., what were formerly expansions) adding, say, 6 hours of gameplay, would add unbalancing XP to the game. So they pretty much have to stand alone. It doesn't bother me terribly that I won't earn XP from them. They'll still be fun. And modders will probably release a component that allows players to add the XP from them if a player wishes.

    But honestly, I think I'm much more enthused about new NPCs. Especially if the introduction of a new NPC increases the amount of dialogue between old and new NPCs. If I understand correctly, that is the only way that they can add new content for the old NPCs. I would prefer to see new interjections and conversations between party members above all else.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    ramagons said:

    Oh look everyone, Mr. Fancypants doesn't like arena combat. Well if that doesn't please you, they're adding an anime catgirl NPC named Kimiko that you can have sex with before even leaving Candlekeep. You degenerate.

    Damnit! I actually liked that idea T_T
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2012
    so you don't like the black pits?
    ...........Not that Ironic really.

    Ps: Define Ironic!
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318

    so you don't like the black pits?
    ...........Not that Ironic really.

    Ps: Define Ironic!

    Lol, reminds me of this chestnut:
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    so you don't like the black pits?
    ...........Not that Ironic really.

    Ps: Define Ironic!

    Here's Irish comedian Ed Byrne discussing the Alanis Morissette song Ironic. He finds it ironic that she doesn't appear to be able to grasp the concept of irony. He uses some rude words so it may not be safe for work.

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