Included in what? It was never part of BG1. On top of that the chance of any mod that brings about that many changes and storyline deviations making it into the EE is likely zero. But it may well be updated to work with BG2:EE.
Just was thinking it was a nice little expansion for the BG2, thought it would be nice to bring attention to it. Hopefully at same time some of the bugs will be gone from it.
I never liked Darkest day, the history wasn't good and at the end of the mod, the recycle of IWD maps was mad in a very poor way. And i'm not even speaking of the overpowered items that TDD introduce, as the Planescape: Torment Aegis ring.
Most of the kits were broken, items were unbalanced, XP and money gain were ridiculously too high, and I clearly remember spending most of my time about killing trolls. But I still remember of TDD, and keep some good memories about it, because it's how I and probably lots of players have discovered modding. But I think there are more relevant mods (and less controversial, too) to include in a BG2:EE release.
A fun mod, but too many drastic and under balanced changes that make it ill suited to be included in BG2:EE. Still wish I could play it through gemrb though. Whenever I tried playing it through gemrb, it would crash when trying to go through the portal to Irenicus' dungeon lvl 2.
TDD was the first mod i saw, and it was the motivator for me to write my editor So, i like TDD, but not for the play value. If TDD didn't exist, a lot of stuff after that wouldn't exist. Probably not even BGEE.
I half agree with this, truly maybe a lot of mods wouldn't exist without TDD, but i don't give all the mods success, that made possible this BG EE project, entirely to TDD existence.
Most of the kits were broken, items were unbalanced, XP and money gain were ridiculously too high, and I clearly remember spending most of my time about killing trolls. But I still remember of TDD, and keep some good memories about it, because it's how I and probably lots of players have discovered modding. But I think there are more relevant mods (and less controversial, too) to include in a BG2:EE release.
Quoted for truth, both about the (poor) balance and introduction into IE modding.
TDD and DSofSC aren't the best mods - but they were among the first. A favourite mod of mine for BG1 was The Grey Clan (part 1). This had no new areas, or spells. It had very few not overpowered weapons and some very hard fights. It also had a coherent little story with some nice added characters and touches. Shame the guy who made it never got round to making part 2. Wonder what happened to that?
I tried to contact TeamBG at their forum , but I have no reply, so I let a message to whom it may concern here.
I splitted TDD in components (Core, Trollford, Espurta, Purskal, and Riatavin now). For the moment, I focus only on quests, so no rules changes, no new spells, no kits but adventures. They are fully compatible with BG2EE, Worldmap 10.2 and Extended Animation.
Let me know if I can release it until TeamBG publish a its TDDEE version...
I don't see any reason why you can't release this on the TeamBG site. You can simply create a link to it until CoM_Solaufein provides space for it. If you are keen enough to develop it further you could become a moderator for it as well as I see noone else taking an interest in developing it further. If you like for the time being I can host it on my webspace and link to it from the TDD forum. It's good to know that someone still has an interset in it.
When I register at TeamBG forum, they ask me to wait for a reply, that I never received... -- I think there's nobody to answer
I am thinking about your answers. If it's up to me, I will remove all uber items (make them undroppable) and decrease xp, as I said I am only interested on adventure. I'll be back asap
Without permission from the original author, I would caution against publishing a "new version" -- as I understand it, that would be a copyright violation.
Instead, if you cannot get permission, consider releasing a diff patch that can be applied on top of the original files (so users must download the original first).
Well, I never played TDD (I don't like megamods in general), but if this will be EE-compatible and split into subcomponents as @subtledoctor suggested I might be inclined to try it out. But I'm still not convinced.
I splitted TDD into components: . _CORE: worldmap and everything that is shared by others components . _ESPURTA . _PURSKAL . _TROLLFORD . maybe Riatavin and more... For now, I focus on adventure, I have no time nor experience to deal/test rules modifications, new spells or kits.
- How to install TDDz? .Download TDDv1.14 and unzip it, move the folder TDD into your BG2EE folder (Setup-TDD.exe and Setup-TDD.tp2 are not required) .Do not, DO NOT let BiG World Fixpack patch it (rename or move its BiG World Fixpack/TDD folder); TDDz patches/fixes TDD files by its own. .Run Setup-TDDz.exe as any other weidu mod
- How to change CRE xp? .In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit CreaturesContract.2da, change its XP column ("+" means no change; a value < 1000 change the XP by value PERCENT; a value >= 1000 will SET it)
- How to change scripted xp? .In TDDz, you'll find foldder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit Xp.2da, change its XP column ("+" means no change; a value < 1000 change the XP by value PERCENT; a value >= 1000 will SET it)
- How to make ITM undroppable? .In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit ItemsContract.2da, change its UNDROPPABLE column ("+" means no change; "." make it undroppable, i.e. CRE keep the item but STO, ARE, BAF, any others, it is replaced by SCRL75.ITM, an Identify Sroll). Avoid to modifiy "++++++++" value than means they should stay unchanged (ex: Espurta map)
- How to replace ITM? .In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit ItemsContract.2da, change its UNDROPPABLE column ("+" means no change; any value other than "+" or "." is considered as a RESNAME, the item is replaced everywhere by this item). Avoid to modifiy "++++++++" value than means they should stay unchanged (ex: Espurta map)
- How to replace TROOOOOOOOLLLLLLS, I mean CRE? .In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit CreaturesContract.2da, change its RESNAME column, add scripts, add deathvar but MODIFY existing deathvars at your own risks.
- How to report bugs? .Contact me at Beamdog forum or SHS forum
- Notes: .These lines are to translate in setup.tra: @901000 = ~TDD - Core~ @901001 = ~TDD - Trollford~ @901002 = ~TDD - Espurta~ @901003 = ~TDD - Purskal~ @901004 = ~TDD - Riatavin~ @999999 = ~Intruders! Kill the intruders!~ .Every languages of TDD is supported; however, I try to use handle_charsets but it seems verrrry slow for TDD and its many translation files, I suppose you have to deal with them manually...
Good game
A BIG THANKS TO TEAMBG for this mega-mod and every authors of Weidu, Worldmap, Extended Animation and people at SHSForum that help me to understand Weidu!!!
Items, spells, NPCs, kits... Everything is unbalanced.
The kit didn't changed the fallen paladin question.
But I think there are more relevant mods (and less controversial, too) to include in a BG2:EE release.
Yes... because Teifling, Drow and Deugar should clearly be a kit!
I don't know if i post damn true or damn ironic.
So, i like TDD, but not for the play value.
If TDD didn't exist, a lot of stuff after that wouldn't exist.
Probably not even BGEE.
I splitted TDD in components (Core, Trollford, Espurta, Purskal, and Riatavin now). For the moment, I focus only on quests, so no rules changes, no new spells, no kits but adventures. They are fully compatible with BG2EE, Worldmap 10.2 and Extended Animation.
Let me know if I can release it until TeamBG publish a its TDDEE version...
I am thinking about your answers. If it's up to me, I will remove all uber items (make them undroppable) and decrease xp, as I said I am only interested on adventure. I'll be back asap
Instead, if you cannot get permission, consider releasing a diff patch that can be applied on top of the original files (so users must download the original first).
Legalities aside, kudos to @shadowlich for this effort.
I appreciate everyone concerns, and thanks you all for each suggestions.
DEPRECATED: I am uncomfortable about publishing a link so pm me.
REPLACED BY: Now I have the blessing of Max Schnur
Here's the readme.txt:
I splitted TDD into components:
. _CORE: worldmap and everything that is shared by others components
. maybe Riatavin and more...
For now, I focus on adventure, I have no time nor experience to deal/test rules modifications, new spells or kits.
- How to install TDDz?
.Download TDDv1.14 and unzip it, move the folder TDD into your BG2EE folder (Setup-TDD.exe and Setup-TDD.tp2 are not required)
.Do not, DO NOT let BiG World Fixpack patch it (rename or move its BiG World Fixpack/TDD folder); TDDz patches/fixes TDD files by its own.
.Run Setup-TDDz.exe as any other weidu mod
- How to change CRE xp?
.In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit CreaturesContract.2da, change its XP column ("+" means no change; a value < 1000 change the XP by value PERCENT; a value >= 1000 will SET it)
- How to change scripted xp?
.In TDDz, you'll find foldder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit Xp.2da, change its XP column ("+" means no change; a value < 1000 change the XP by value PERCENT; a value >= 1000 will SET it)
- How to make ITM undroppable?
.In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit ItemsContract.2da, change its UNDROPPABLE column ("+" means no change; "." make it undroppable, i.e. CRE keep the item but STO, ARE, BAF, any others, it is replaced by SCRL75.ITM, an Identify Sroll). Avoid to modifiy "++++++++" value than means they should stay unchanged (ex: Espurta map)
- How to replace ITM?
.In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit ItemsContract.2da, change its UNDROPPABLE column ("+" means no change; any value other than "+" or "." is considered as a RESNAME, the item is replaced everywhere by this item). Avoid to modifiy "++++++++" value than means they should stay unchanged (ex: Espurta map)
- How to replace TROOOOOOOOLLLLLLS, I mean CRE?
.In TDDz, you'll find folder for each component (_CORE, _ESPURTA, _PURSKAL, _TROLLFORD), edit CreaturesContract.2da, change its RESNAME column, add scripts, add deathvar but MODIFY existing deathvars at your own risks.
- How to report bugs?
.Contact me at Beamdog forum or SHS forum
- Notes:
.These lines are to translate in setup.tra:
@901000 = ~TDD - Core~
@901001 = ~TDD - Trollford~
@901002 = ~TDD - Espurta~
@901003 = ~TDD - Purskal~
@901004 = ~TDD - Riatavin~
@999999 = ~Intruders! Kill the intruders!~
.Every languages of TDD is supported; however, I try to use handle_charsets but it seems verrrry slow for TDD and its many translation files, I suppose you have to deal with them manually...
Good game
A BIG THANKS TO TEAMBG for this mega-mod and every authors of Weidu, Worldmap, Extended Animation and people at SHSForum that help me to understand Weidu!!!
Time for a TDD, SCS, Ascension, Tactics run.