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3/10/2016: Updates incoming! (Details within)

DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
edited March 2016 in The Road to v2.0
If you don't see it already, you should soon see an update to the beta builds that will bring BG:EE and BGII:EE both up to v2.0.59.1. This update includes a number of additional bug fixes and enhancements that have already been added to the Change Log thread, as well as fixes to a number of regressions that we've found (or that you helped us find) since the start of this beta event. The full list of changes from the previous beta version to the current one are listed below.

General Fixes

[MP] Game difficulty should not change when clients join 20377
Level 1 Shaman should not have 0 Detect Illusion points listed in Character Sheet 20357
[Items] Some spell scrolls should not have a discolored icon. 20350
Game should not crash when opening the area map 20150
[Localization] Russian VO should play when the language is set to Russian. 11898
The Ground Highlighting overlay on the area map should be off by default 20326
Assigning proficiencies on the HLA screen should work correctly after loading a save game 20148
There should be a "Protection from Attribute Drain Death" opcode 18769
Enhanced Editions should launch on Windows XP 20824
[DirectX] The game should not crash when alt tabbing, opening the journal, and then loading a saved game 17942
Dragging Mouse to Bottom of Screen should Scroll Area like Arrow Keys 18795
[DirectX] Text and images should not appear blackened on GMA chipsets 18816
Arrow indicators for offscreen party members should work 19647
[DirectX] Game buttons should not become inoperable if a window is reduced in size 20020
[DirectX] Game should not fail to start on non-HD GMA chipsets 20233
Memorized spells in bonus spell slots should not get used up by reloading 20244
Damage feedback should not use two different styles 20341
WEBMs should not become greyscale on pause if that option is turned off 20549

Fixes for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition

[German] Tutorial voice-overs from BG2 should be adjusted for BG1 18363
[German] There should be no mistranslated voice-over for Neera's interjection to Baeloth 18364
(Art/Spell) New shaman spell icons should not have a green boxes around them 18406
[German] Player response to Xithiss should not have a voice-over 18662
[German] Neera's line 32213 should not have English voice-over 18663
Amnian soldiers should always respond when clicked 19220
Item inventory icons should not have opaque backgrounds 19478
Nessie should mention Dorn as a notable character in the Friendly Arm Inn 19712
Innate non-magical abilities like Barbarian Rage should have a casting time of 0 19819
Text log should not have SoD art frame 19878
(Item) Dusty Rose Ioun Stone unidentified description should not be "Ioun Stone" 19977
Changing difficulty in an MP game should display the new difficulty name in the combat log (BG1) 20078
(Water) AR1300 - Water should be refined, overlays should match original game 20081
(Water) AR0508 - There should be animated lava 20084
(Water) AR0514 - There should be animated lava 20085
(Water) AR0510 - There should be animated slime 20087
(Water) AR2100 - Overlay transparency should be adjusted 20095
[Multiplayer] Parda in Candlekeep should not fire "Invalid 16777215" 20106
(Water) AR1700 - Lake should use WTLAKE as an overlay 20107
Mouse scrolling speed should not be slower than BGEE 1.3 20136
Laola does not appear when you exit the Seven Suns. 20152
You should be able to select items in a store page even after selecting an item you can't afford 20188
Pressing "Back" in the level up screen for a shaman character should not result in you being unable to choose any more spells 20195
Spook should not be castable from outside of your characters line of sight 20207
Text log text should not touch the bottom frame 20212
There should be a way to disable the MP chat window 20213
Items in a container should not appear misaligned on the store screen 20342
[Options UI] DirectX Renderer option should not repeat upon re-entering the Graphics Options Screen 20343
[Options UI] Options description in the "Auto-pause" section should be centered in the UI box. 20345
Rare selection sounds should play 20346
[Journal UI] Player Journal entries with deleted text should not return "Invalid 3000001" 20351
[Feature] Character Creation "Advanced" button should be renamed to "Create Party" to remove confusion. 20352
[Windows] There should be an ability description when hover your mouse on Shamanic dance ability icon 20356
There should be a correct set of portraits for female characters 20358
Shar-Teel portrait missing from party list 20359
[Shaman] Shaman characters should not "Detect Traps" when loading into the game. 20442
Game should not crash when playing movies after selecting a language. 20495
Advanced Party AI should counter fear 20597
The credits should play when you beat the game. 20691
Tiax and Dorn's banter should work according to the MDD 20708
New status icons should not be missing 20713

Fixes for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

Ox-Tail Belt should not use the strref of Duke Belt as unidentified name 20746
New status icons should not be missing 20715
Changing the font size should work 20025
Game should not crash when playing movies after selecting a language. 20494
[Shaman] Shaman characters should not "Detect Traps" when loading into the game. 20443
Edwin should fire the correct banter when wounded 20378
Shaman Spell icons should have correct offset 20367
The name input field at character generation should be centered 20336
The correct text should be displayed on the sound set selection screen 20334
Spook should not be castable from outside of your characters line of sight 20208
Priest script PRIEST5 should not make characters cast Draw Upon Holy Might on their enemies 20199
[Map UI] Map Notes Markers are all Black, Regardless of Icon Selected. 20166
Shaman spell icons on the HLA screen should not have green pixels 20143
The Sleeper +2 item type should be morning star 20128
The chapter button in the TBP2 journal should be labeled correctly 20124
Items called "Poison" should not use the name of the priest spell 19981
Bow of Arvoreen +2 should not use the ground icon of a longbow 19976
Bolts from Wand of Lightning should not change direction after hitting targets 19975
Psionic Life Drain should not result in an uninjured caster losing hp from their new maximum 19973
BGII:EE should start with the new D&D and Beamdog splash movies 19879
Text log should not have SoD art frame 19877
There should not be white marks on the text log 19876
Dorn should use the correct pronoun for Azothet when Bodhi tries to take him 19713
Dragomir should drop his cloak even if turned to stone 19402
[ToB] Korkorran journal update should not mention Hexxat's humanity if not discussed 18593
Button tooltips should be correct. 18558
Mazzy's Lay On Hands ability should not use the icon of Cure Light Wounds 18479
Watchers Keep Challenge Rooms should not be inaccessible 11786
Innate non-magical abilities like Barbarian Rage should have a casting time of 0 20694
Advanced Party AI should use Enrage/Rage when dangerous opponents are nearby 20693
Advanced Party AI should revive dead party members after combat has finished (BG2) 20675
Advanced Party AI should counter magical defenses of enemy spellcasters (BG2) 20589
Game Difficulty text should accurately represent the features of the difficulty stages (BG2) 20315
ToB should create 4 rotating quicksaves 20014
Colored Selection Circles should be off by default 18780
Elephant hide should look as if it came from an elephant 11495
Clicking the - button next to Detect Illusion should remove unconfirmed points 20387
The ground Up and Down scroll arrows should look and function correctly 20360
Party XP should not have blank lines between each reward 20353
[Credits] Credits should not show 29 pages if there are only 16. 20193
The chapter button in the ToB journal should be labeled correctly 20123
Changing difficulty in an MP game should display the new difficulty name in the combat log (BG2) 20080
You should be able to select a custom portrait 20022
Gameplay options should use the correct strings. 18580
The Feedback sliders should use the proper strings. 18577
Journal chapter headings should make sense. 18564
Option sliders should not be cut off. 18559
The Quick Loot arrows should be properly sized and visible only when needed. 18553
The "Sell" button should not be missing from containers opened in stores 18279
The text on the "Assign Keys" screen should be correct 18278
Post edited by Dee on


  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    Dee said:

    Changing the font size should work 20025

    Font slider is still only changed tooltip font size and nothing else for me in v2.0.59.1 :disappointed:
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited March 2016
    Not all text in-game is going to increase in size; certain text (button labels, screen names) are fixed in size in order to maintain their position within the frames. But some text should be getting bigger. I'll look into it.

    EDIT: It looks like that change only made its way into BGII:EE. I'll update the list accordingly. Good catch!
  • 00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
    This was listed in the closed stickied post so maybe its old news.

    'Wizard Slayer will now apply 25% casting failure on hit (18462)'

    Happy day :O? I know it was 10% but I havnt played a Wizard Slayer in such a long time i dont know how much of a big change this is. But any buff to him is a plus all the same :D!
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    I think some of these didn't make it in to the lists in the changelog topic.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    Dee said:

    Enhanced Editions should launch on Windows XP 20824

    Now, bugs, here I COME!!!
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    Well, I know that the area map blue overlay isn't disabled by default. Not sure how to turn it off permanently. steam version.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    edited March 2016
    Amberion said:

    Well, I know that the area map blue overlay isn't disabled by default. Not sure how to turn it off permanently. steam version.

    It's correctly disabled by default here. I delete the configuration file, start the game and begin gameplay and the map does not have the option enabled. The behaviour persists when restarting the game from the desktop without first deleting the configuration file.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Franpa correct; default behaviors are set when the game is run for the first time, or when the baldur.lua file isn't detected.

    If you don't want to delete that file, you can manually change the global setting from Options > Graphics.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    I figured it out. The error occurred between the keyboard and the chair.

    Nothing to see here, move along.
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