Azuredge bugged?

Hi guys.
Some years ago when I played, I just used to belive blindly what the game says, but this time around I watch the effects and all, and try to understand the game more. Well, one of my favourite weapons used to be Azuredge, but now I'm not so sure it is so great. I'm in an area full of undead, and I have Daystar and Azuredge, equally skilled in both weapons. I noticed every time I hit an undead, Daystar does a hissing sound, like doing electric damage, and the text bar shows two damages. I supposed that was the extra damage to undead mentioned in the description. When I switch to Azuredge, there's no hiss, no extra damage displayed, and certainly none of the undead has died in the first hit, or second. They may have died in the third, I'm not sure, but how can I know if the died of *natural* causes, I mean like die of normal damage, or did they die because of the Slain undead effect? Shouldn't an effect show, like when they die of a vorpal hit? I'm a long way from Mace of disruption, to check if there's such effect, but as I'm writing this, I seem to recall a little text appeared above the enemy when they were killed that said "Undead slain", am I right?
Well, in short, I haven't noticed any difference from Azuredge to a normal +3 axe. Is it bugged, or got nerfed? I wouldn't be surprised if it did, I would even consider it fair. Azuredge is like a mace of disruption +1 just around the corner, plus ranged!
To make it harder, when I try to inspect the weapon with DLTCEP, it says the item is not found. So I have no way to verify it. Can anyone confirn that it actually does extra damage and slains undead?
Speaking of undead, are bone golems undead? Are they affected by slain undead weapons? They say "golem" so I think they must be constructs, but OTOH they do look skeletal, so I thought they could be a little undeadish. Just want to be sure.
Some years ago when I played, I just used to belive blindly what the game says, but this time around I watch the effects and all, and try to understand the game more. Well, one of my favourite weapons used to be Azuredge, but now I'm not so sure it is so great. I'm in an area full of undead, and I have Daystar and Azuredge, equally skilled in both weapons. I noticed every time I hit an undead, Daystar does a hissing sound, like doing electric damage, and the text bar shows two damages. I supposed that was the extra damage to undead mentioned in the description. When I switch to Azuredge, there's no hiss, no extra damage displayed, and certainly none of the undead has died in the first hit, or second. They may have died in the third, I'm not sure, but how can I know if the died of *natural* causes, I mean like die of normal damage, or did they die because of the Slain undead effect? Shouldn't an effect show, like when they die of a vorpal hit? I'm a long way from Mace of disruption, to check if there's such effect, but as I'm writing this, I seem to recall a little text appeared above the enemy when they were killed that said "Undead slain", am I right?
Well, in short, I haven't noticed any difference from Azuredge to a normal +3 axe. Is it bugged, or got nerfed? I wouldn't be surprised if it did, I would even consider it fair. Azuredge is like a mace of disruption +1 just around the corner, plus ranged!
To make it harder, when I try to inspect the weapon with DLTCEP, it says the item is not found. So I have no way to verify it. Can anyone confirn that it actually does extra damage and slains undead?
Speaking of undead, are bone golems undead? Are they affected by slain undead weapons? They say "golem" so I think they must be constructs, but OTOH they do look skeletal, so I thought they could be a little undeadish. Just want to be sure.
Daystar is a much more powerful weapon. It is a +2 weapon (strikes as a +4) that acts as a +4 weapon vs. evil creatures. Furthermore, it does double damage to undead. Because the bonus damage vs. undead is done as magical damage it makes a "hissing sound" when it strikes them.
Let me do a rundown of what you are observing:
Azureedge: When striking an undead it will do 4 bonus damage as physical damage. So you should see two chunks of damage for each hit: one for the base damage, and one for the 4 damage bonus. The undead will then either make a saving throw (which you should see) and resist death, or they will die (which you will also see).
Daystar: When striking an evil undead this weapon will do 4 chunks of damage:
Chunk 1: the 1d8+2 base damage of the weapon done as slashing damage (this gets a strength bonus).
Chunk 2: 2 slashing damage bonus for striking evil creatures.
Chunk 3: 1d8+2 bonus magical damage for striking undead.
Chunk 4: 2 bonus magical damage for striking an undead that is evil.
Magical damage also makes a "hissing sound" when it happens so that is what you are hearing.
As for bone golems, (and flesh golems) they are NOT undead; they are golems. The magic involved is quite different. Golems are made from non-living materials (this can include things like flesh and bone that were once living) and animated with magic. Undead are half-alive and half-dead things that receive their life energy from the negative energy plane. Most of the reason undead are vulnerable to certain things has to do with their connection to the negative energy plane, or at least that is the lore reason from what I hear.
However, I haven't seen the chunks you mentioned. Is there a setting to display damage rolls? So far I only use an option to display To Hit rolls, but I know none for damage. They only show as a single damage for Azuredge and two chunks for Daystar. Neither did any enemy have to make any save when I used Azuredge, and they were all kinds of undead, shadows, shade wolves, greater mummies and skeletons. Funny thing is, the only one that was making saves vs death was a bone golem.
So maybe there's something wrong with my items. Azuredge definitely isn't working as it should. Too bad I can't attach a screen capture, as I just dualed my character to thief, and she's terrible with weapons, not to mention she can't wield axes. But as soon as I get fighter levels back, tomorrow morning, I'll post an image showing the battle text for both weapons.