Anyone else worry for Nov. 30th?

So he pushed the release date back 2 and half months, 4 days before it was going to be initially released... am I the only one that doesn't trust the Nov. 30 date? Smells like an early '13 release is more plausible to me now. I'm being very serious.
If you delay the game, delay it properly. I don't see the point in delaying for 2 weeks if there is the slightest risk they wont make it on time, so taking a longer range is more reasonable IMO.
Playing BF3 and Max Payne 3 meanwhile
Seeing the state of the world map in the other thread it looks like they decided to "enhance" more content. I hope they have given the creative staff enough time. In any case I pre-ordered and am a little disappointed; it's good to know the extra time is for continued enhancements at least. I'll spend a little time exploring classes I've not really put much time into with my bgt install in the meanwhile ...
*thrilled about new voice sets
*thrilled about the new npc's and their background mini-adventures
*thrilled about the new source code
*thrilled about the "filtered" art touch ups
*thrilled about mod friendliness
*sorta thrilled I may buy a galaxy tab or something hehe, not kidding here I need a new toy
*actually relieved the release is delayed cause borderlands 2 would have distracted me alot lol
**bg3** sorta like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ...
good luck, get 'er done! buy this game folks
good lord i used a semi-colon
As excited as I am for the remake, I'm not very happy when I feel mislead and tricked after I've already surrendered money. It's one reason I will never pledge money to kickstarter, even if I really want the project to see the light of day.
I was super pumped and behind Beamdog and Overhaul Games 100% til this delay. If it happens again, faith in the company will be shattered.
The way that Kickstarter works is that your money is returned to you if the fundraiser fails to reach its goal. So if you pledge a hundred dollars to a campaign, and the goal is 1,000, and they only raise 900, then your money is safe.
That being said, if they pull that again and the game gets pushed back even further, I will cancel my pre-order.
Communication is key. And with keeping the consumer informed it's all about the presentation. That's what I've been on about with marketing being lacking. They seem to be regarding their role as coders and software engineers, and that's it. That's how it comes across, anyway.
Many people are awaiting this release feverishly and letting hopes get that high by waiting till a few days before release to announce the delay is kind of mean.
I for example only got to know about BG:EE by googling BG a few months ago because I felt lke playing it again. Naturally, I decided to wait for the enhanced edition instead of going through all the modding. Now, had I known that the release would not be kept, I would have started playing BG again maybe a month ago.
Also, many people had already planned their next few weeks around playing BG:EE, naturally.
I think these are the things people are upset about and they would have been completely avoidable. Also, going even as far as to applaud de developers for the delay, as some people have done, does nothing but make the ones who are seriously disappointed more angry. It is like spitting into their faces. At uni or in professional life people might understand when you ask for a later deadline or if you need some more time to finish a project, but certainly noone will applauf you for needing an extension.
You dont have to be an expert in PR to say sorry......
But 21 days after Nov 30th could be a day to worry about.