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The Yin Way

ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
While wating to the new game, i was toying with the idea of alternative bg game idea.
Imagine your starting game is not as Gorion ward, BUT as one of the bhaal spawns
who try to hunt the others.

Playing as Yaga shura for example, ur quest goal is to build a vast army
in order to fight the others.
If you pick a drow for exmple, your game will start in the underdar, etc etc.

Which race/class Would you pick in order to kill them all?
(Gorion ward may b the last boss?)


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited March 2016
    Honestly, I kind of love this. If this was NWN2 or whatever you could probably even make it into a proper game, giving you various starting options and stories depending on what you are.

    Assuming humanoid/demihuman races, my pick would probably be Drow. Assuming a more expanded race selection, it's probably hard to beat Dragon. Unless you go REAL deep... Aboleth Bhaalspawn anyone?
  • sansserifsansserif Member Posts: 126
    @Shando Sounds rather like DA:O, where you can play a short game as the enemy killing the PC and his/her party members :)

    MY $0.02. In IWD2, playing as a drow (i went with a drow sorceress) would have certain immunities and magic resistances but a penalty to sunlight. Then, there's the benefit of the favoured class as well. But it's different in BG2.
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    I played all the DA series, and yeah in all of them there is the fade idea, which the hero see his evil self.

    there was a room in bg to expand races :\
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Level 1 Kobold, Nashkel Mines.

    Honestly, your odds don't get much better than that for the average Bhaalspawn.
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    LOL. killing miners to gain exp
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