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Never Won Baldur's 1 - When Would you Start Modding?

siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)

I bought Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 when they both first came out. I've never played Baldur's Gate 2 because I won't play it until I've won Baldur's Gate 1. Ive never won Baldur's Gate 1 because I play hardcore. If my main character dies, I end the game. No reloading. Not even if Im playing really tired and get my main character killed stupidly being unaware I've tried to unlock a known trapped chest and got zapped!
I did get to Baldur's Gate 1 once before dying, but I think I got so excited I clumsily got killed soon after.
So, my question is, should I start modding (beyond the widescreen mod which I do) even though Ive never won BG1? Ps. Ive played many many many many many many hours of the game!

Peace out x


  • BubbleboyBubbleboy Member Posts: 68
    Haha good idea.
    Maybe i'll try that as well and see how far i get.
    Sadly I can't suggest any mods because i'm using bgtutu and don't actually know which one works on bg1 and which one on bgtutu.

  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    Yeah BG1 is my favourite game ever so I likely subconsciously kill my main charcter because deep down I dont want to win the game and stop playing it :)
    But I must have attempted over 100 games and still no sign of playing BG 2 in the current decade. :) Which means Ive yet to experience the romances of BG2 that everyone talks about. I want a fantasy elfish girlfriend so dya think Im ready to BG1NPC's or stay hardcore til my first win of BG1? :)
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Personally I believe mods, when carefully selected, only add content/immersion/enjoyment rather than take it away. So in my view, it's never too early to use them.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Stay hardcore. If it is the way you play you won't feel satisfied if you give up now.

    Have you tried playing as a cleric or bard - someone who doesn't get involved in the nasty business of toe-to-toe combat or looking for traps? I find it is the fighters (always in combat) , thieves (sent out front to check for traps) and mages (low hit points) who die most frequently.

    Healers and singers seem to have better life expectancy (at least they do when I'm in charge of the party).
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    I usually go for a human fighter cleric mage, so my character has low hit points and dies easier..

    Good suggestion Permidion, maybe Ill go for either a cleric or bard. Cheers bud.
  • BubbleboyBubbleboy Member Posts: 68
    If you want to see how it goes with romance you can get the BG1 NPC project mod. It's really good and gives more depth to all of the joinable npcs. You should read the readme though, because it changes the location of some NPCs so that you can get them more earlier in the game.
    But like i said i have no idea if it works on original BG1 since i've never tried it.
  • SuiboonSuiboon Member Posts: 86
    Well if you're intent on continuing with this hardcore tradition, pick a character that has good survivability. A dwarf with 19 constitution would be one example.
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    I cannot bring myself to be a dwarf. Grumpy ugly little fat things they are. I always go for human, half elf or elf. Anything else seems a little demeaning, no offence intended. :)
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Bard is pretty survivable:

    Single Class means you level up pretty quick.
    A combination of Magic, Buffing Music, and your choice of arms means you don't need to be in the thick of it.
    Higher HP than a mage with comparable defensive magic.

    Grab a ranged weapon and hang back, and you're in good shape.

    Clerics can also be extremely survivable for similar reasons. Just add in "And can wear heavy armor" to the list and subtract Buffing Music.
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