Cleric/Necromancer - Project Image as innate (once per day) = OP?

I am creating a human multiclass using EEkeeper. I figure since my guy is a bhaalspawn, he's special. Since this trilogy run is all about teh roleplay, I figured an evil Cleric/Necromancer would be hawt. But here is my problem:
If I go Talos Priest/Mage, I still get the extra mage spell slot. EEkeeper works a funny way in that if the Cleric is a kit, the Mage is treated as a specialist mage without restrictions. So by going Cleric/Necromancer, I am actually losing the Talos Priest abilities AND the ability to cast from the illusionist school.
So I am looking for a way to make up for this without going overboard (I don't consider a specialist mage and cleric multi overboard because it's allowed in PnP as well Gnomes are allowed to do it).
I was thinking a single casting of Project Image a day would even things out. It also works well with Necromancer seeing as how I am giving up Illusion magic. Is this OP? Cleric/Necro multiclass w/ PI once per day?
Personally, just cause I'm using EEkeeper don't mean I want to be unfair here. If PI as inate once per day is overdoing it, I will figure something else out.
What say you?
If I go Talos Priest/Mage, I still get the extra mage spell slot. EEkeeper works a funny way in that if the Cleric is a kit, the Mage is treated as a specialist mage without restrictions. So by going Cleric/Necromancer, I am actually losing the Talos Priest abilities AND the ability to cast from the illusionist school.
So I am looking for a way to make up for this without going overboard (I don't consider a specialist mage and cleric multi overboard because it's allowed in PnP as well Gnomes are allowed to do it).
I was thinking a single casting of Project Image a day would even things out. It also works well with Necromancer seeing as how I am giving up Illusion magic. Is this OP? Cleric/Necro multiclass w/ PI once per day?
Personally, just cause I'm using EEkeeper don't mean I want to be unfair here. If PI as inate once per day is overdoing it, I will figure something else out.
What say you?
PI is incredibly powerful but a max level non-Necromancer can eventually cast it up to 6 times per day (though they have to memorize it). I am giving up several uses of Stormshield and Lightening Bolt, as well as an entire school of Illusion magic - just to be able to cast it once per day as innate. I think it's fair.
Thank you.
My Cleric/Necromancer is ready to do many nefarious and odious deeds MWUHUHAHA!
I don't permit its use in any of my parties.
(My house rule is to never use a technique that the AI cannot.)
Besides PI should be using up spells from your memorized spells, rather than functioning like a second supply of a spellbook.
My humble suggestion is to only give yourself extra abilities at a cost:
You wanna do a Cleric/Necro? How about having him acquire an innate, at-will of "Touch" spell at every level (which are generally regarded as useless or underpowered) and build him as a melee type. As a handicap, you may perhaps prohibit yourself from using any direct damage/Evocation spells or something.
You can add the level 7 PI spell normally but you have to cast it as a lvl 7 spell then. May be a bit less overpowered and balanced that way.
Or create a new lvl 8 spell via dltcep, a necromantic PI:it converts your life force into a ghostly spiritual projection. In all respects it is PI but is not an illusion, it is a spiritual thingie, immune to true sight, thus higher level. (dispel magic still kills it)
This I discovered, and it's for this reason that I scrapped the whole idea. I am going to make a Fighter/Sorcerer multiclass using EEkeeper instead.
Edit: can't do a Fighter/Sorcerer either. Rats.
Fine. I will do a Kensai/Mage.
Edit Edit: Okay, I am back to my original plan. Except this time I will just go Stormlord/Mage using EEkeeper. Going to use a half-elf because they're the only race allowed normally. Using a kit in a multiclass is totally allowed in PnP so I don't feel the least bit bad about this.
This was kind of a useless thread now that I think about it...