First playthrough, entire series, one character: Dual class or multiclass Fighter/Mage?

I'm new to this whole thing. I'll be playing the enhanced editions. My favorite kind of character is a mage fighter. (Really a mage fighter tamer, a la Ultima Online.) I plan to play through everything as the same character.
Here's what I'm not sure about: should I play as a multiclassed elf fighter/mage, or should I try dual classing as a fighter first, then switch over at level 9 as people recommend, to a mage? Can I do that within BG1:EE? I've heard dual-classing like that required the changeover to happen nearly toward the end of BG1 or in BG2. That doesn't really seem like playing the same character in both games, growing more and more powerful throughout.
I'm not new to power play in games in general, but I am new to the series. For maximal enjoyment of the plot and environment, while still playing to the kind of character I'd like, how would you recommend I play? Thanks.
I don't want to be absurdly overpowered (which I hear the dual-classed Kensai/Mage is), but I also don't want to miss out on neat end-game spells or potential, which is why I'm conflicted. I plan on playing with a party throughout.
Here's what I'm not sure about: should I play as a multiclassed elf fighter/mage, or should I try dual classing as a fighter first, then switch over at level 9 as people recommend, to a mage? Can I do that within BG1:EE? I've heard dual-classing like that required the changeover to happen nearly toward the end of BG1 or in BG2. That doesn't really seem like playing the same character in both games, growing more and more powerful throughout.
I'm not new to power play in games in general, but I am new to the series. For maximal enjoyment of the plot and environment, while still playing to the kind of character I'd like, how would you recommend I play? Thanks.
I don't want to be absurdly overpowered (which I hear the dual-classed Kensai/Mage is), but I also don't want to miss out on neat end-game spells or potential, which is why I'm conflicted. I plan on playing with a party throughout.
you are a Fighter the First Half of the game and a mage the other , and at the very End you are a Fighter+Mage !
Fighter9/Mage (you must be Human)
you are a fighter for the whole of Baldurs Gate 1 , a Mage for like an Hour in BG2 and then what you Want to be for BG2+ToB
Fighter/Mage Multi (you Must be Elf/ Half-elf /gnome)
You are what you want to be right of the Bat , a Fighter who can Cast Spells, the only time you will notice a downside is mid SoA then pure or dual mages get their big fancy spells while you still have around lvl 5-6 ones (what is no problem since the good buff spells are all mid range anyway)
you can finish the game with all of these without any problems.
On the other hand, Warriors will eventually get High Level Abilities, such as Whirlwind and Improved Whirlwind, which confer a temporary ten attacks per round. The multi-class would be able to take those HLAs, but the dual-class would not, since you would only be leveling your Mage levels after making the transition.
Those are some things to think about. At the very least, you wouldn't want to do a Mage to Fighter dual.
Yeah, but then there's the problem that you're a gnome...
Gnome sayin'?
Thanks everyone!
As a Fighter/Mage combo, you'd definitely want to choose a kit if dual classing, but it can be hard to know which one you want and which would be best long term cus the two common ones to dual class into mage have ranged weapon restrictions, and one also has armor restrictions. And since the best point to dual class as a Fighter into Mage like that is around level 9, that means you won't dual class until the sequel and it takes a bit of time to get your old skills back. Most of the time that you dual class, you definitely want to pick up a kit and it can be hard to know which one to pick for a first playthrough (my first playthrough was with an Archer kit and that was a blast though).
An Elf Fighter/Mage is always a good combo, as would be an Elf Fighter/Mage/Thief if that seemed interesting. Gnomes are great for multiclassing too, cus you get some extra spells each level and the additional Intelligence means you can have every spell you want in the spellbook with 19 Intelligence. They also don't get any relevant penalties to any important stats, and get saving throw bonuses with Constitution which is nice. So you can have a higher Constitution and higher Intelligence as a Gnome compared to an Elf. All while the Elf is more savvy with ranged weapons, 90% resistance to Charm/Sleep, small thaco bonus for long swords/short swords, and is one of the two races that can be a Fighter/Mage/Thief. Both would be good and have their good traits. The only thing I think the Half Elf would get over either of those two is more potential romance options, and no Constitution penalty like the Elf. Generally it's better to go with the races that give you some stat bonuses since those play a big part of how your character develops.