Is the release date the same as SoD? We're aiming to release the 2.0 update a little bit before SoD's
official launch. No exact dates have been set, but the goal is to have
the patch in everyone's hands in time for the SoD release.
Might not be in time for a run from start to finish, but seems they're aiming for the patch to be at least a bit before the expansion.
When is the New Patch Coming Out??? Game hits in 9 days!!!! be Nice to be able to play around with the new settings before I Delve Deep into SOD.
All the testers and developers are trying their best to find and fix bugs as quickly as possible. The patch will be out when the developers will decide that the games are more or less stable and don't have major issues.
> If you're on steam you can try out the beta right now.
Even with the Beamdog client, actually.
So one of two things are going to happen. The patch is released before March 31, or SOD is delayed.
Edit: Oh butts, now I've gone and jinxed it myself
Whatever happens, happens. You have my support!