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Your favourite Monk kit (2016 - BG2:EE - Last Update)?

ArcanjoArcanjo Member Posts: 155
Which build you use to solo with "Monk + Romance".

The Order of the Dark Moon is a secretive monastic order that follows the teachings of the dark goddess Shar. Monks of the Dark Moon use physical prowess, dark magic, and many different forms of deception to mask their activities and strike with deadly precision.

– Perception: +2 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Illusion spells.
– May cast Chill Touch once per day every four levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
– 1st level: May cast Blindness once per day.
– 3rd level: May cast Blur once per day.
– 7th level: May cast Vampiric Touch once per day.
– 11th level: May cast Mirror Image once per day.

– Alignment restricted to lawful evil.
– May not use Lay On Hands ability.
– May not use Stunning Blow ability.

Sun Soul Monks were once worshippers of Amaunator in the time of the Netheril, but today their worship is divided between Lathander, Selûne, and Sune. Sun Soul Monks adhere strictly to the law, using their martial arts and magical abilities to drive out darkness and corruption wherever they find it.

– 2nd level: May cast Sun Soulray once per day.
– 5th level: May cast Flaming Fists once per day.
– 6th level: Gains an additional use of Sun Soulray.
– 8th level: May cast Greater Sun once per day.
– 10th level: Gains an additional use of Sun Soulray.
– 13th level: May cast Soul Sunbeam once per day.
– 15th level: Gains an additional use of Sun Soulray.

SUN SOULRAY: The Sun Soul Monk projects a blast of light from open palm, dealing 1d8 damage every 2 levels to a maximum of 5d8. This ability does an additional 6 damage vs. undead.

FLAMING FISTS: The Sun Soul Monk channels inner light into unarmed attacks, turning fists into flaming weapons that deal an additional 2d6 fire damage per hit for the next round. The duration increases to 2 rounds at level 9, 3 rounds at level 12, 4 rounds at level 15, and 5 rounds at level 25. This special ability automatically modifies normal attacks; no weapon-switching needs to be done.

GREATER SUN: The Sun Soul Monk wreathes self in flames that act as a Fireshield (Red), granting the Monk 50% Fire Resistance and protecting from attacks made within a 5-ft. radius. An opponent that hits the Monk with any weapons or spells within this radius suffers 1d8+2 points of fire damage.

SUN SOULBEAM: The Sun Soul Monk emits a dazzling burst of light that strikes at all other creatures within a 30-ft. radius. The Sun Soulbeam does not automatically hit all targets, but makes a melee attack using the Monk's current THAC0 (+3 to hit vs. undead). Struck creatures suffer 9d6 points of damage (9d6+3 if undead), unless they save vs. Spell for half. In addition, all creatures except the Monk must save vs. Spell or be blinded for 10 turns.

– Alignment restricted to lawful good.
– May not use Stunning Blow ability.
– May not use Quivering Palm ability.
  1. Your favourite Monk kit (2016 - BG2:EE - Last Update)?25 votes
    1. Monk (No Kit)
    2. Dark Moon Monk
    3. Sun Soul Monk
Post edited by Arcanjo on


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2016
    Because Shar is cooler than Selûne. :)
  • ArcanjoArcanjo Member Posts: 155
    elminster wrote: »
    Because Shar is cooler than Selûne. :)

    I did not understand, how so?
    For RP or because you are strong?
  • ArcanjoArcanjo Member Posts: 155
    0% in Sun Monk??? O.O
    "Monk Sun" fell into disuse or is below even the "Monk Moon"?
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I hate the sun.

    It's bright.
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    well. i prefer no kit, but if taken then the dark one.

    I just love his skills on bg 1 :)
  • Tad_Has_A_Cold_OliveTad_Has_A_Cold_Olive Member Posts: 183
    I'm a fan of monk lasers, personally.
  • BlackorbBlackorb Member Posts: 62
    Blur and mirror image are amazing spells so my vote will go to the dark moon monk. Also i think it is neat they can detect illusion quite usefull in bg2. And they are cooler :#
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I like the Quivering Palm ability and don't want to lose it. Nothing is better than one-shotting an enemy. In the same time I like Vampiric Touch to increase HPs for an hour, as well as Blur and Mirror Image - all these spells greatly help when I can't protect the monk from critical hits.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Detect Illusions on a non-thief is amazing. The defensive illusion spells are also great.
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