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Tideous buffing!

HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Forgive me for asking, but I could only find talk about unofficial scrips for party buffs, so I would like to pose the question if there are any official scripts/macros for easy party buffing?


  • WonKoWonKo Member Posts: 72
    Always need to quicksave after all the buffs. Certainly would be a handy ease of use feature.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I normally just cast defensive harmony and protection from evil, as well as maybe mirror images. Unless I am expecting a tough battle. That helps to reduce the amount of time spent on buffs.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @HexHammer Perhaps you could put a thread on feature requests. Easy buff button, that just goes through your spellbooks and buff the party... May need to have longterm and combat versions...
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Some sort of Macro Buttons you can assign all kinds of functions to would be nice. Program button one to switch the whole party to their ranged weapons for example. Which means button two could be all your combat buffs. Just have to make it easy for the end user to program for, I'm sure a fan tool would be forthcoming in short order if it wasn't hehe.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    You could probably create an AI script to do this for you in the game as it is now. You'd just have to play with AI off (which you do already, right?), then turn it on when you want to buff.

    No, they didn't make creating your own AI scripts easy, but it is a supported feature they intend advanced users to use. There's more info elsewhere on the googles.

    Hopefully they streamline this in Enhanced Edition.
  • GeldridgeGeldridge Member Posts: 21
    haha! I read this topic as 'tedious BIFFing' and thought it was a thread about someone doing a BGT+mod install while waiting for BG:EE!
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    And I was wondering what buffing had to do with high and low tide...
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    OP the thing is, not many buffs are needed in the game. One can certainly overbuff. OR one can reduce the amount of buffs received.

    It is possible to write macros there is a script writer included in the game i think, and if not it is included as 3rd party utility. But what would you put there. The difficulty is there are too many possibilities. Suggest one.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Haha, buffs are for sissies! That's what healing potions are for.
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    Bah, who needs potions. Rest until healed with no clerics on board, now thats hardcore.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Roller12 said:

    OP the thing is, not many buffs are needed in the game. One can certainly overbuff. OR one can reduce the amount of buffs received.

    It is possible to write macros there is a script writer included in the game i think, and if not it is included as 3rd party utility. But what would you put there. The difficulty is there are too many possibilities. Suggest one.

    As you say youself, different buffs are needed why it would be prone to have say 3 macros, 1 macro for small fights, another for mid and 3rd for big scale fights.

    Anduin said:

    Perhaps you could put a thread on feature requests. Easy buff button

    I would surely burn in the Nine Hells for making 2 similar posts, any other forum would deem such thig heretical ><'
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