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SoD game manuals appreciation thread

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
There's a nifty folder in the game files, called "Manuals".

It offers an already known Sword Coast Survival Guide and two new guides,

Adventurer's Guide
Field Report

And, man, these are awesome manuals, they can offer you hours of a quality read. And how do they look... :blush:

The Adventure's Guide is going to be my favourite source of in-game information for years to come. All thieving bonuses, all class/kit features, spell progression, etc etc etc. They're there, updated with the newest information and offering the real advice about how the game works. And no, there're no longer unrelated facts, only useful information (for example, it reads clearly that Wisdom grants additional spells to only clerics and druids, and I personally saw at least 5 threads on these boards with questions about this one thing).

And this guide now completely looks like a D&D book, with good-looking sketches and tables.

The Field Report offers an insight into SoD characters, creatures, groups and legendary items. It has awesome illustrations.

If you're like me, if like to plan in details your character builds, if you like to constantly check how this or that stat work, use these guides.

Thank you, Beamdog, for these manuals!


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    My favourite section is "Appendix: Player’s Bestiary". Never, ever, have I seen a place in the Internet, to gather ALL damage/Thac0, counts as, saving throws, etc etc information on:
    your general summons (including all versions of skeleton warriors)
    Planetars, Elemental Princes
    spirit animals

    [spoiler=how long I wanted to see all the stats of Elemental Princes]

    Zaaman Rul
    Summoned by Elemental Summoning, Greater Elemental Summoning
    Armor Class –7
    Hit Points 160 (? HD)
    Saving Throws
    vs. Death 3
    vs. Wand 5
    vs. Polymorph 4
    vs. Breath 4
    vs. Spell 6
    Fire Resistance 125%
    Magic Resistance 60%
    Special Traits
    Paw. Melee Weapon Attack: THAC0 –1, APR 2, damage 1d6+12 crushing
    +3d8 fire. Treated as a +2 magical weapon when determining what
    enemies it can damage. Dispels on hit.
    Protected From Weapons. Zaaman Rul is immune to all attacks from
    weapons with a +2 or lesser enchantment.
    Fire Shield (Red). Zaaman Rul is protected continuously by the effects
    of the Fire Shield (Red) spell.
    Flame Strike. Zaaman Rul can cast the Flame Strike spell twice as an
    innate ability.
    Summoned by Elemental Summoning, Greater Elemental Summoning
    Armor Class –11
    Hit Points 230 (? HD)
    Saving Throws
    vs. Death 3
    vs. Wand 5
    vs. Polymorph 4
    vs. Breath 4
    vs. Spell 6
    Fire Resistance 75%
    Cold Resistance 40%
    Acid Resistance 40%
    Magic Resistance 70%
    Special Traits
    Paw. Melee Weapon Attack: THAC0 –4, APR 3, damage 3d12+17 crushing.
    Treated as a +2 magical weapon when determining what enemies
    it can damage. Dispel on hit.
    Protected From Weapons. Sunnis is immune to all attacks from weapons
    with a +2 or lesser enchantment.
    Earthquake. Sunnis can cast the Earthquake spell twice as an innate
    Stoneskin. Sunnis automatically casts Stoneskin on himself when he
    spots an enemy creature.

  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Hey. Sounds cool. But I can not find those manuals in my folders, I got mine from the steam, though. There is the manuals folder, but only the two basic manuals are there.

    Detailed info about elemental princes and the like is awesome. However most of us play modded (scs, atweaks, etc) and those change a lot of statistics of those creatures.

    I would like to see more flavour and rp stuff and fluff in manuals. They can be very immersive.
  • DiableristDiablerist Member Posts: 16
    I can't find them in the steam version. Could you upload them somewhere? They still aren't up on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760

    I can't find them in the steam version. Could you upload them somewhere? They still aren't up on

    @BenArledge (when you have time, could you update the site) :)
  • AndrewFoleyAndrewFoley Member Posts: 744
    @Dee deserves a huge round of applause for his work on all the manuals. A frankly insane amount of effort went into them and the majority of it was his.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Agreed. These new manuals are fantastic! I've already spent far too much time browsing them. They're like catnip! Thank you Dee and any relevant others for your work on these manuals.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The full credits for the manuals are on Page 2. A great many Bothans died A lot of people helped out to bring you this information.
  • QbertQbert Member Posts: 195
    Go Dee! Double props for posting the manuals for download.
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