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Sound Sets, 2.0


So I loaded up a current save pre-2.0, and CHARNAME was silent, so I checked the sound sets to see the default sets only. All my custom ones have gone.

So i searched the folders and all of the sets i added myself have disappeared. Infact deleted from my Mac completely....


  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,265
    edited April 2016
    Yup, when you update BG:EE it deletes all custom content. This is done to make absolutely sure that there are no bugs introduced by the update process. There would be a great many bugs if it wasn't done this way. You will have to re-install all mods after an update. This only affects the game directory however, so if you had backups elsewhere on your system they will still be there.
  • Cal_ElCal_El Member Posts: 56
    Thanks for the response!
  • naggertnaggert Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2016
    Not to hi-jack your thread, but might you have a link to the voicesets?
    Playing with 5-6 PC's and the default soundset is getting tedious.

    EDIT: Nvm. Think I found it in the general mods section. Can't delete this post tho...
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