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Classic gameplay windows for 2.0 UI for BG series and SOD

GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
edited April 2016 in UI Modding
For a few years i have really been enjoying Classic gameplay windows for BG:EE 1.0

Well 2.0 and Siege of Dragonspear changes all of these older interfaces.

I want to use the new 2.0 format and add that stone look

I think i need to edit the Gui.bif files in SOD and so that means i think i need to extract them and edit them

i think the content of the .bif files are .bam files and .mos files

i read over on the new ui thread here

that png can be used instead of .mos for modding the new UI but that only mods certain parts of the UI.

I want to mod the entire back ground to use the classic stone texture from the original BG.

Anyone who knows where to point me would be appreciate it.

I need to get extracting and modding so i can Play SOD without the new colorless black interface. I want that stone texture back in Baldurs Gate where it belongs!

Post edited by Gloomfrost on


  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    I think you only need to extract all the .mos files (leave the rest untouched) and change them to a stone texture, save as .png, and place in the override folder with the same name as before. Or just make new .png's with the same size and name as the .mos files and place they in the override folder.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    thanks for the direction pointing cmk24
    yeah i think i am on the right track, just don't know what tool is best to extract from the bif files.
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    Near Infinity is all you need to extract all the game assets:
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited April 2016
    ugh some kind of stupid , i already had this program, your right its perfect, i downloaded the original BG from GOG and am extracting the original backgrounds right now. Having fun, tomorrow i will get cracking on getting them into the 2.0 UI.
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Let me know how this goes.. will you make it available for others to try?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Post screenshots when you've got it finished. I'm loving the engagement with the new UI system here.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited April 2016
    Excalibur_2012 yes sure i will share it. Turn out with very few tweaks the original mod i linked is doing quite well. I was reading Dee's thread last night and am torn if i should try the new system or the old one.
    The new system is robust and easy to play around with but getting it to work for new users will be a little bit tricky, unless some sort of button is introduced like they discussed on the live stream during launch day of SOD. I may just stick to the old route for now because it so simple just to extract everything to the override folder and your done.

    Anyways i am still in the very early stages experimenting and playing SOD so i will let everyone know with screenshots how its going and share it if anyone wants to use it as it develops.

    Here is the first tweaked i got working

    Post edited by Gloomfrost on
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    I may just stick to the old route for now because it so simple just to extract everything to the override folder and your done.
    I thought that was all you had to do with the new way as well :/
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited April 2016
    well it's not much but i just uploaded a working version for the new 2.0 UI and MrGuse is exactly right still no fix for the up-down arrows in the dialog box :( hope Beamdog has this as a top priority on the needs to be fixed list.

    hey guys just an update. Sorry to say 2.0 is far to buggy for me, i am going back to 1.3, so until some of those immersion breaking graphics glitches in game are taken care of, there is no need for me to rush into 2.0, so i wont be working on this mod anymore, sorry gang.
    Post edited by Gloomfrost on
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