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After changing stuff in the options menu, it is not saved (Language!)

SerpentSoulSerpentSoul Member Posts: 14
After changing language and other things (for example the health bar setting) the game does not change the language and the other changed settings, even after saving and restarting the application! It always reverts back to default settings...this is with a freshly patched BG:EE and SoD! Please help me, I want to play the game in english! :/


  • SerpentSoulSerpentSoul Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2016
    Also if I change the language in game without restarting, I get mixed languages in dialogue, world description and character sheets...some descriptions are still in german (e.g. quiver = Köcher) while others are in english, but I just want everything in english...also when i check the red boxes in the menus, for example when chosing my auto-pause options, they will be reverted to default when i quit and restart the game. This happens both when starting from the BG:EE starter or the SoD starter (and choosing BG through this). Any ideas?
    Post edited by SerpentSoul on
  • NelyahNelyah Member Posts: 4
    I got a similar issue here.
    My game always starts in windowed mode, and with settings language set as French. However I want to play the game in English, and every time I launch BGEE, I need to set these options as wanted -again-.

    Not the most urgent issue, but still something I'd like to have a fix to.
  • BladesipBladesip Member Posts: 200
    edited April 2016
    Same here. After the SoD, the settings changes do not stay saved after i quit the game. I have to set it again everytime i launch the game. So also the settings which need game restart to apply cant be changed.
  • SerpentSoulSerpentSoul Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2016
    Same with Baldurs Gate 2 SoA Enhanced Edition, I can not change the Language to english...only game working consistently is Icewind Dale EE 1.4, so I guess it has something to do with the 2.0 patch. Is there a temporary workaround, like changing lines in the .lua-file? Please fix this, I want to play the BG series in its original english form :(

    Edit: Ok. I tried changing the line -SetPrivateProfileString('Language','Text','de_DE')- to en_US, but to no avail, the Texts are still in German. The .lua-file is located in the documents folder on my C:\ drive, while the Game itself is on the E:\ drive. I can save and load games, so the folder location itself shouldn't be the problem...
  • SerpentSoulSerpentSoul Member Posts: 14
    Deleting/moving all language files except the en_US folder from the BG:EE Game folder worked for me. Everything is in english now. However, I cannot switch off subtitles and have to set my auto-pause preferences etc. everytime I start the game, very annoying...
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    There's a known issue about this when there are non-English characters in your Documents path. We're hoping to get a fix for this out soon.
  • SerpentSoulSerpentSoul Member Posts: 14
    Ah, well I have an Umlaut in my path, thanks for the response! :)
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