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Requesting Steam Keys

There's been a lot of questions about Steam keys, how to request them, and how long it's supposed to take to process those requests. I'll do my best to answer as many of these questions as possible.

What's this about Steam Keys?

If you've purchased one of our games through the Beamdog website, you can request a Steam key to activate that game on Steam. Our Support team has been asked to give priority to those who purchased the Collector's Edition, since the Collectors' Edition is advertised as including a Steam key with the purchase.

How can I request a Steam Key?

If you purchased the Collector's Edition, send an email to with a subject line of "Collector's Edition: Steam Key" - that will help our support staff find your request quickly and get it processed.

If you did not purchase the Collector's Edition but are looking to activate your purchase on Steam, send a similar email to with a subject line of "Steam Key Request".

In either case, be sure to include your account's email address in the body of your email, so that our team can quickly look up your account to verify the purchase.

How long will it take to process my request?

There are a lot of requests coming in; we know that waiting can be frustrating, especially when you're excited to get into the game and start playing. Our support team is working hard to process requests as quickly as they can, but it may take a few days to process them all.

Our goal is to honor your request within 24 hours during the normal business week (Monday through Friday). Our support staff are offline on weekends; if you're waiting for a key on Saturday or Sunday and wondering why it hasn't come yet, that's the reason why.

Why doesn't Beamdog automate this process?

That's an excellent question. :) We have plans to make the process more efficient in the future, but for now we're doing our best with the manual approach.

Again, I know that waiting can be frustrating, especially when you're looking forward to the game you purchased and you want to get in and start playing it. I would ask people to be patient while waiting for their requests to be processed, and be as polite as you can to our support staff as they process your request.

It's been more than 24 hours and it's not the weekend. What can I do?

If you didn't send your email with one of the subject lines mentioned above, I would recommend sending a new email with the appropriate subject line. Mention that you've sent an email previously, so that they can quickly find and close your earlier request.

If you did use one of the subject lines mentioned above and it's been more than a day since you sent in your request, It's okay to send a follow-up email to check on the status; just be aware that our team's processing hundreds of these requests, all of them from people who are also eagerly looking forward to activating their games on Steam.

Thank you everyone for your patience! If you have any questions, ask them here and I'll do my best to provide explanations or clarifications where I can.


  • VakarianVakarian Member Posts: 94
    Thanks @Dee

    Good to see some information on this (esp. how to flag if you've purchased the Collector's Edition)
  • MikeLeWattMikeLeWatt Member Posts: 4
    This should have been posted earlier. Considering that this is your fourth or so game released on Steam and you STILL don't have an actual system that distributes keys to customers means you're laughably incompetent. It's shocking. I have pre purchased the Collectors Edition - it's been three days since my support email and still no key. I have now sent three separate emails. This is totally unacceptable. Other, smaller companies managed to give me a steam key instantly when their games were released on Steam. This debacle shows how your company only cares about the money. You should be embarrassed.
  • Fistandantilus74Fistandantilus74 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016
    I didn't buy the Collectors Edition. It took me about forty hours to get a key after my request.

    This should have been posted earlier. Considering that this is your fourth or so game released on Steam and you STILL don't have an actual system that distributes keys to customers means you're laughably incompetent. It's shocking. I have pre purchased the Collectors Edition - it's been three days since my support email and still no key. I have now sent three separate emails. This is totally unacceptable. Other, smaller companies managed to give me a steam key instantly when their games were released on Steam. This debacle shows how your company only cares about the money. You should be embarrassed.

  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Mar 25, 09:09


    I would like to ask for a steam key for my BG EE game to access the beta testing.


    Beamdog Support (Customer Support)
    Mar 25, 09:53

    Hello ,

    Thanks for contacting Beamdog support. My name is Charles, and I will be assisting you.

    I would be happy to provide you with a Steam key for your Beamdog purchase(s). You may add the game(s) to your Steam account by selecting Games > Activate a Product on Steam.

    Baldur's Gate Key:deleted

    I also provided a link to learn about the Beta and how to access it on Steam:

    Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

    Thank you and have a great day!

    That was 44 minute, if i'm right. Thanks Charles! No CE too.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    It took me about 48 hours to get my Steam key and I'm also a CE purchaser. I think Dee's request to give CE owners a higher priority backfired ;)

    Also @lolien it looks like you requested a BGEE key before SoD was released. I'm sure the wait time increased immensely once SoD dropped.
  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    I requested keys for the game before the release and it was only a few hours to get them.

    had to wait 2 days for a response this time, told me I had to use same email address and try again even tho it was fine a few weeks ago...

    guess will have to wait another 2 days. I preordered to help support beamdog but I should of just brought of steam and avoided all this hassle.
  • EmeusEmeus Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2016
    I didn't know that I can request steam keys through support email and 've already purchased all the games(BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE) on steam, could I still request these keys and give away to my friends?
  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    no, if you buy directly from beamdog you can request steam keys. It is not extra copies of the game to give away/sell
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    It's indeed meant to use yourself, and not by others.

    BGEE is currently going for around 5 dollars on Beamdog, Steam and GoG, which is a steal. Ask your friends to buy that, and perhaps engage in some multiplayer with them. 5 dollars ain't much, and if they like the game, they may always decide to buy the other games at a later time.
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    lolien said:

    Mar 25, 09:09

    That was 44 minute, if i'm right. Thanks Charles! No CE too.

    Seems you're lucky, I sent my message two days ago and no answer yet.
  • EmeusEmeus Member Posts: 64
    Zoimos said:

    no, if you buy directly from beamdog you can request steam keys. It is not extra copies of the game to give away/sell

    I mean I bought BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE on beamdog, and also purchased these games later on steam(due to network problems, can't download games through beamdog client anymore), could I still request steam keys and give them to my friend?

    If not, it is like I paid double for these games :(
  • WakukeeWakukee Member Posts: 106
    My request got responded to by Trent Oster. I sent the message to customer support O.o. Got the keys though, so I'm pretty happy.
  • Xerxes1811Xerxes1811 Member Posts: 65
    Received my Steam Key within about 48 hrs of request. No complaints here, activated and installed no problem.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Emeus said:

    Zoimos said:

    no, if you buy directly from beamdog you can request steam keys. It is not extra copies of the game to give away/sell

    I mean I bought BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE on beamdog, and also purchased these games later on steam(due to network problems, can't download games through beamdog client anymore), could I still request steam keys and give them to my friend?

    If not, it is like I paid double for these games :(
    I can't find the thread right now (maybe @bengoshi could help), but I would swear Dee or Trent said they have no issue with limited sharing of your Beamdog account among your friends.
  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    Been waiting for a key for 4 days now, sent another request so hope this get solved soon :(
  • Guard81Guard81 Member Posts: 12
    Zoimos said:

    Been waiting for a key for 4 days now, sent another request so hope this get solved soon :(

    Same here! and I'm not too pleased. sent 4 requests already, one per day. First at freeform, two requests like in the sticky post. No answer of any kind. Thinking of returning the Collector's Edition, sadly.
  • cdxcdx Member Posts: 94
    I know that this isn't what people want to hear but you can do what I did and buy one more copy while waiting for the steam key :smiley: . I got one from gog as I already had BGEE from there. And BGEE is dirt cheap there now. The steam keys I only wanted for the achievements. Now I have SoD both in my favourite store and in the one which has achievements.

    It might look like an asinine idea but now I have the game DRM free without opening the box, I'm playing already and most importantly (for me), I've supported Beamdog :) Damn, nostalgia makes me do silly things sometimes. Worth it though :)
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    I feel for you guys, it can be really frustrating, if a system don't work properly. I can understand the Beamdog team too, there are always circumstances, when you can't solve some problem in time, however good your intention is. I see that if someone bought the game with big hopes, and can't play now for days, it's not satisfying for them that the developers are good intentioned and cool.
    What i can suggest: look around on the forum while you are waiting for the steam key. Visit the role playing section, the fun creations, or you can read the challenges and playthroughs. You can even share one of your former playthrough with us there!

    Otherwise, thanks for remaining well-mannered in this discussion.
  • UkrutorUkrutor Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016
    Hello, is it possible to get a GOG key instead of Steam one, or will it be possible in near future?
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Thanks guys, I'm sending my email along and look forward to the new DLC! :)
  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    5 days now and still waiting!
  • Guard81Guard81 Member Posts: 12
    Zoimos said:

    5 days now and still waiting!

    Same here still. :(
  • VakarianVakarian Member Posts: 94
    I'm right with you guys. Just re-sent my email to support per Trent's request.
  • Guard81Guard81 Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2016
    Yes I also sent mine. Was busy playing Icewind Dale Enchanced Edition.:D

  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    resent mine too
  • EmeusEmeus Member Posts: 64
    bleusteel said:

    Emeus said:

    Zoimos said:

    no, if you buy directly from beamdog you can request steam keys. It is not extra copies of the game to give away/sell

    I mean I bought BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE on beamdog, and also purchased these games later on steam(due to network problems, can't download games through beamdog client anymore), could I still request steam keys and give them to my friend?

    If not, it is like I paid double for these games :(
    I can't find the thread right now (maybe @bengoshi could help), but I would swear Dee or Trent said they have no issue with limited sharing of your Beamdog account among your friends.
    Sorry but I am not quiet get what you mean, did you mean I can simply lend my beamdog account to my friend so he can play the games I purchased?
  • thespazmthespazm Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016
    My girlfriend ordered me the collectors edition as a birthday present, which she gifted to me, though it seems to have not been sent as a gift and has been added to her Beamdog profile. This was irritating, but not the end of the world, as I assumed I would be able to get a hold of the steam key fairly easily.
    As of this post we have sent 3 initial emails to support. One on the 1st of April, one on the 2nd and one on the 4th.

    We have had only one reply, for the email dated the 1st of April, it has been marked as resolved, even though we haven't received an email containing a steam key.

    My girlfriend has become rather stressed out about this whole thing and rightly so. She's spent £130 on something that I haven't been able to play and she has received no communication as to when the physical copy is even shipping.

    I'd really like this to get resolved, I'm not one for whining or moaning, but this is a little ridiculous now, and I would just like some kind of resolution, or communication on behalf of Beamdog.
  • Guard81Guard81 Member Posts: 12

    Sorry to hear it is taking so long fellows. Can you re-send your e-mails to support?

    I haven't still received the key. I'm bit suprised by the lack of support. I would really like to continue from the BG1 on steam to Dragonspear using steam and then to BG2 on steam, for the ease of it. I bought the collector's edition because I wish to support Beamdog and because it said I get the steam key, I have truly enjoyed the Enhanced Editions, and think of them as an improvement on almost perfect originals. I'm disabled gamer with an income of 800€ so my decision to buy Collector's Edition doesn't give me possibility to buy it again on steam as some have suggested. Support emails and topic numbers:
    18263, 18835, 18838, 18970, 19167 and 19171.
  • Guard81Guard81 Member Posts: 12
    Are you others previously without keys, still without them?
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