GTAV for pc was around 50gb if i recall correctly, but the absolute largest game I have ever installed was Final Fantasy 13 on steam, which is a whopping 60gb in size
Or at least, I had, until I got a new laptop, was forced to upgrade to Windows 8.1, and realized I couldn't play my favorite virtual life time sink ever again.
I keep telling myself, it was for the best. I don't have the time to dedicated to it anymore. Not having Sims in my life would be good for me. I'd actually get stuff done that was worthwhile.
I'll tell you what was huge to install, at least at release...another MMO - The Secret World. Looks like they went overboard on textures but it does look good.
If we're including upcoming titles which I will own next month, then it's Total Wars: WARHAMMER hands down. The first "part" of the game alone will be 35GB. And thanks to dozens of DLC's its required disk space will be ever growing. This also goes for the second and third "parts" of the base game. Both with their fair share of DLC's as well. Possibly, after the game has been *completed*, it could take up anything between 100GB and 200GB of disk space.
As of now? Pillars of Eternity plus both expansions: 23.5GB
MMORPGs get really bloated a few expansion packs down the line.
EDIT: Actually, that doesn't really answer your question, but these are the largest installations I have at the moment.
The Witcher 3 is massive too
Non-Modded : Swtor, something around - 19GB
Probably many others, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.
All expansions.
Entirely too much custom content.
Or at least, I had, until I got a new laptop, was forced to upgrade to Windows 8.1, and realized I couldn't play my favorite virtual life time sink ever again.
I keep telling myself, it was for the best. I don't have the time to dedicated to it anymore. Not having Sims in my life would be good for me. I'd actually get stuff done that was worthwhile.
As of now? Pillars of Eternity plus both expansions: 23.5GB
Closely followed by Far Cry Primal with 19.8GB.