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So, I finished the first dungeon... (spoilers)

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
And I had a blast!

I played on the Insane, and going through the first dungeon for the first ever time brought emotions I would never forget.

The hordes of undead, which reminded me of IWD.

Enemy AI, which focused on my mages instead of front-liners.

Enemies using Poison Weapon and hiding in shadows, to backstab my most unprotected characters.

Overall, I thought that the Insane now offered a good challenge (and this comes from the player who can't play BG without the SCS mod).

There're items with new abilities, from the perspective previously unused (who would have thought of an item increasing the level of turning undead).

There're puzzles in the dungeon. For example, for this particular dungeon it required from me about 30 minutes of trying to undestand how to solve that puzzle. Loved every bit of it!

Imoen told what she knew about each new room we entered. It was very refreshing to have a non-party NPC to tell about the in-game areas.

And, above everything, new lines and dialogues. They're very, very well written, completely on the level of BG1 and BG2. Nothing can be better than hearing the new lines by Minsc or Dynaheir.


  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    Yea, the first dungeon is a blast on Insane but if you are talking about the puzzle with torches I only needed 30s to solve that :P
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Heh, I first thought that maybe I would find 2 other torchersso that I could three of them with different colour. Then I thought I need to touch the lights in a certain order (the order the lights are in the second room). Then I returned to the previous level to check if the undead and the researcher had something to say about these lights. Then I thought that the cobalt moss could have something to do with these lights.

    And only after all these things it struck me what should I actually do to solve the puzzle.
  • DetectiveMittensDetectiveMittens Member Posts: 235
    There was a puzzle in the first Dungeon? Oh boy. Either my memory is failing or I really really missed something. I still have the damned unlit torch in Safana's inventory.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @DetectiveMittens If you have an unlit torch in the inventory after this dungeon, then you really missed something. This is why I didn't post a solution to the puzzle above - so that players could experience it themselves ;)
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    People miss fun puzzles but notice every little political bullshit they don't agree with... so sad. People forgot to have fun and just want to be angry over something...
  • DetectiveMittensDetectiveMittens Member Posts: 235
    Don't tell me the solution - I thought there may have been a puzzle but I couldn't find anything to interact with so I just ploughed through the rest of the dungeon. Although it was kinda trivialized with the large number of Arrows of Detonation I stocked-up on >:D.

    Maybe when #BaldursGateGate blows over and the cry-bullies move onto the Neko-atsume update that causes controversies we will go back to the peaceful, gnome-loving, community we were prior.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229

    Don't tell me the solution - I thought there may have been a puzzle but I couldn't find anything to interact with so I just ploughed through the rest of the dungeon. Although it was kinda trivialized with the large number of Arrows of Detonation I stocked-up on >:D.

    Maybe when #BaldursGateGate blows over and the cry-bullies move onto the Neko-atsume update that causes controversies we will go back to the peaceful, gnome-loving, community we were prior.

    I stocked up with Fireball wands :D
  • outofdaboxoutofdabox Member Posts: 18
    I couldn't agree more, I also only completed the first dungeon, and am really excited about what is going to come next. The game seems well made and feels like a Baldur's Gate game (till now) Beamdog did a very good job in this dungeon. I also really enjoyed the difficulty (playing in Insane) of this game and Viconia (love the new portait btw) really shined in this dungeon with her Turn Undead ability. It is the first time that I fought undead in BG and was glad I had a cleric in my party (although I never used the SCS mode). In the other games I forgot all about Turn Undead either because the Undead were too strong to be turned or too weak to bother, so this dungeon offered a good balance.

    Imoen's help was nice and I really enjoyed having her.
    I wasn't really excited by her reasoning for choosing to study arcane magic, I was expecting something more impressive than "It seemed practical", although she justified it with feeling a connection with Gorion. Anyway, I suspect that we will find out more later. I can't wait to play again tonight :smiley:
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