Romances for ALL races this time?

Hi y'all! Does anyone know if you will be able to romance, at least with the new NPC's, with any type of race? Not just human, half-elf or elf. Because I've played this game for like a million times and would never do it without a romance option, but am getting kinda sick of playin those races.
Which oddly enough ties back in to the Warhammer references we're throwing around this thread.
Come to think of it, If a human eats an elf is this as immoral as canniblism? And if so, what is the word for it?
But isn't one of the new charecters a half-orc? And he will be a romance option, right?
Maybe those spores weren't merely means of communication after all........................*gulp*
It would be a shame to have Anomen (of all people!) be the most open-minded towards halflings and Aerie towards gnomes.
I'm already planning on trying to woo both Rasaad and Dorn with my extremely alluring female gnome. Hopefully at least one of them won't be able to resist her.
Besides, I find it highly discriminating that the rest of the races can't have romances!!!