I think with true GM there shouldn't be any complaints about barbarians anymore. In fact, Barbarians are going to be a little UP, if anything. lol People already prefer the fighter!
@sandmanCCL: Protection from Petrification (1st level spell) is a cheap, effective and convenient way to protect yourself from Basilisk gaze. You don't need to hunt for expensive and finite supplies of Mirrored Eye potions or even wait for Animate Dead (3rd level spell). Good points as always.
@Brude: Thanks, man. I appreciate it and will definitely pass that on.
Now that I'm playing BG1 again, I want to get back to making maps for each area but I can't get the Widescreen Mod to work for just BG1 proper. Don't feel like installing Tutu again either though I might just for assemblage purposes. I could just use BG1 normally, but the maps are displayed so flippin' small. I dislike blowing up images because it makes them super pixelated. Would rather work with a larger source, you know?
ANYWAY YEAH! Barbs are neat. Although I never roll Half-Orc, especially in BG1. Dwarves are just too good. Dwarven saving throws + barbarian rage insta-death immunities make for one superb anti-mage. I don't want them changed! You're making me want to try one out. I pretty much never do because I never roll single-class fighter-types other than Paladins and Stalker or Archer.
I had the same problem. Couldn't get thebigg's widescreen mod to work right until I found TMW GUI:
Resolution at 1024x768 seems to work best as it keeps the dimensions to the original game.
Playing through wihout Tutu or AI mods is an eye opener. Instead of fighting off a dozen gibberlings groups that Tutu adds to the game, your band of hearty adventurers will be challenged by ... A single Xvart, alone in the woods.
So that's the only downside. It's pretty much a cakewalk all the way through Chapter 5.
Edit PS: haha, funny you said that about Barbs. Play It Hardcore convinced me to roll a dwarf because of the saving throw bonuses alone.
@sandmanCCL: Protection from Petrification (1st level spell) is a cheap, effective and convenient way to protect yourself from Basilisk gaze. You don't need to hunt for expensive and finite supplies of Mirrored Eye potions or even wait for Animate Dead (3rd level spell). Good points as always.
True. I know about the spell and use it whenever I'm an arcane caster. I usually am rolling as something else, though, so it's just me and Imoen when I stroll into Mutamin's Garden. My mind automatically thinks back to potions for whatever reason.
@sandmanCCL: Protection from Petrification (1st level spell) is a cheap, effective and convenient way to protect yourself from Basilisk gaze. You don't need to hunt for expensive and finite supplies of Mirrored Eye potions or even wait for Animate Dead (3rd level spell). Good points as always.
Resolution at 1024x768 seems to work best as it keeps the dimensions to the original game.
Playing through wihout Tutu or AI mods is an eye opener. Instead of fighting off a dozen gibberlings groups that Tutu adds to the game, your band of hearty adventurers will be challenged by ... A single Xvart, alone in the woods.
So that's the only downside. It's pretty much a cakewalk all the way through Chapter 5.
Edit PS: haha, funny you said that about Barbs. Play It Hardcore convinced me to roll a dwarf because of the saving throw bonuses alone.