BG mods that are confusing me

Hello, I've been a fan of this game since it first came out in 1998. Since then I always kept it close to my heart and overlooked all the bugs the game had. I am extremely appreciative of all the hard work all of you have done to make this game even better than I remember. From reading the forums I have noticed that there were those that have actually created mods prior to this enhanced edition to attempt to fix bugs that I never new existed. I see now that there are bugs that were corrected for those mods like dudleyville, BGT, TuTu, ToBEx. Are those mods necessary now to play the enhanced edition or will the enhanced edition contail all the corrections those mods offered?
The fact that the modder that was responsible for BGT is actually working with Overhaul makes me very hopeful indeed.
There's currently no BG2EE with which to bridge BGEE, and BG2 and BGEE will be using different engines. Pedantically, 'BGT is not needed' is incorrect and should be replaced by 'it would be a phenomenally bad idea to use BGT on BGEE'.
@CamDawg: Well, yes, I imagine stitching BG:EE and BG2 together would rather look like something out of a Mary Shelley novel.
>originally, the only thing that was carried forward was your PC's stats and EXP
If youre quick enough the mainchar can keep all his items from BG1.
>and give him the INT tome will those carryover to BG2:EE?
Thats an interesting question actually.
BG1 Viconia has 15 Wis. There are 3 wis tomes in BG1. BG2 Viconia starts with 18 wis, which is 15+3. Coincidence?
Now because we are so much smarter than Bioware, we "fix" "inconsistent" stats by making bg1 Viconia start with 18, dump 3 tomes on her, "fix" the carryover transfer, and end up with 21 Wis Viconia out of nowhere. Easy peasy. Granted, not everyone uses Viconia ( a shame) but then again not everyone uses Jaheira as well and she still magically reappears as a friend.
BGT:EE... what a concept. I predict that will be the 5-year-edition after both BG:EE and BG2:EE come out though. All I can say is I hope the original devs of BGT get a cut of that action
Folks kind of spurned Dudley, but I hope he makes it on the credits list if his stuff gets used, and it should. There were maybe a handful of fixes that were questionable (like in any fixpack) and one that didn't work (the Ulgoth's Beard link as I recall) but if that's the lot of the defects, that's pretty damn good in my book.
1. on the local install are both BG:EE and BG2:EE updated to the same level (relatively easy to do)
2. story-wise, how to bridge BG/TotSC into BG2 (in Tutu, it matches the "two independent games with an loosely-defined space of time" of the original releases, while BGT creates a return to Belt and somehow get kidnapped type of setup so the time is rather short.)
3. mods.
4. dialog.tlk differences
@Ascension64 had to create all sorts of wild things to get BGT to work, not the least of which is that all of the content of BG had to be ported, fixed, and recreated. But there were other considerations, like the existing mod-base of Tutu and BG2 mods, built for different engines and not necessarily (or easily) making the transition. With any luck, the difficulties faced here: will be easier to deal with, and require less of a workaround.