Who would love to see a neverwinter nights 2 enhanced edition?
Oh YES!! I would love to see a neverwinter nights 2 enhanced edition! I just started playing this game after like years just a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE it!! I haven't even ran into any crashes and bugs yet which is very refreshing. I love how the classes and gameplay are organized and having the option of prestige classes really gives you something to look forward too late game. So yes I would love to see an enhanced edition of Neverwinter nights 2!

- Who would love to see a neverwinter nights 2 enhanced edition?138 votes
- Neverwinter nights was a fabulous game to play and would love to see it enhanced!30.43%
- Neverwinter nights was "meh". It was a good game but not something I'd care to see enhanced.69.57%
Btw, Mask of the Betrayer is one of the best stories I have ever played through (along with PsT). It is true masterpiece, if anything would deserve to be enhanced, it is MotB. But again, what is there to enhance?
I have to say, I didn't like the official story that much, but the modules that people made are stunning (also story wise). I would recommend everybody to play the Prophet saga and the Aielund saga at least once. It's even better when you have a few friends and your role play your part
Besides I don't see the point of enhancing a game which is that "fresh" (in comparison to the classic stuff: BG series, Planescape: Torment, IWD, Fallout series, Wasteland, etc).
Surely it is basic marketing 101 to only issue a press release about a game AFTER you have decided what it is going to be yet.
For the record, I though NWN2 was a pretty good game. A lot of bugs and problems when it first came out though. Some of which persist to this day
nwn1 is completely multiplayer and is pretty enhanced already where everyone adds something on PWs, just dont play it singleplayer.
nwn2 doesnt need enhancing, its visuals and mechanics are up to date.
NWN1 was a terrible game, the plot of the main story and all of the expansions thereafter were horrible and I found it quite easy to forget that it was even taking place in FR. The whole main character + 1 NPC mechanic from the original campaign was a terrible idea that pretty well is completely against the spirit of DnD as being a cooperative endeavor.
I wouldn't say it's the greatest use of the D&D ruleset, and I know it was released with a lot of bugs and compatibility issues, so I could understand being disappointed, but I thought it was certainly enjoyable for a few playthroughs.
I've heard a few people say they really hated it though, and as someone who normally judges games a little harshly, I was wondering why?
The original NWN had a horrible storyline, especially by Bioware standards. It remains to this day my least favorite Bioware game. If not for quality fan-made content, it would've been a waste of money for me. NWN2 seemed significantly more engaging. It was a better single player game as far as I'm concerned.
I don't want to play it again to try and figure it out.. I was left with the following sentiments however, this I do remember.
"All these graphics, classes, races.. But it is so boring, whatever they got right in the 2D isometric forbears, is missing from this." I still play Baldurs gate, Icewind dale, their gameplay is fun for me and it frustrates me that I know the content so well, I just want somebody to make something new where the game plays in the same way.
Is it just me or were the NPCs in NWN2 just appallingly cliche?
I started playing mass effect(2) recently, I immediately started comparing it with NWN2, I don't know why, probably because I've seen it mentioned around here so much. Alot of the things done badly in NWN2 - the composition in the dialogue scenes, characterisation, were done really well in mass effect, and I'm enjoying a lot of it.
Lots of people say that there's a really amazing game awaiting in nwn2 so why not make that great game with an enhanced edition? Would be something worth thinking about....
..Every 2 years or so I do some google/forum searching hoping against hope someone had made mod or somesuch that fixes the camera properly. Have never found one.
It pisses me off to some degree; I've heard there are some awesome community created mods out there..and apparently MotB is indeed pretty awesome. Would be grand to see these. It puzzles me, how do people play through this content? I'm sure nobody lacking serious desire to self harm is willing to use NWN2's camera?