cant find pc requirements

i cant seem to find the pc requirements on the sit maybe im just over looking it can i get some help finding them for my pc and is this only open for download or can i get a hard copy because my internet wont support big downloads
Required System Memory (MB) 512 MB
Minimum Graphics GeForce 2 or Equivalent
Processor Speed (GHz) 1 GHZ
The game itself is somewhere between 1 and 3 GB in terms of hard drive space. You'll need to either download Beamdog's download client, or download the BG:EE installer directly from them. Currently there is no schedule for a boxed edition (they've been in negotiations for months, but they've kind of stalled for the moment).
So, if your computer can't meet them, you may actually be using an old calculator.
The framerate is directly proportional to your printer's ppm.