Colquetle's Amulet

Did anyone else not find this amulet where it should have been? With the dead family in AR4300? I'm curious if it was removed or if I am the only one who couldn't find it. It was just a feel good fetch quest that I like, no big deal. I'll report it on Redmine if anyone else chimes in.
Can we just get rid of that already in 2.0? It serves zero purpose but to cause problems.
I usually run down the side of that map because I'm busy building my party (Edwin, Minsc, Dorn). After I have everyone, I go back to Friendly's and pick up the quests from there. I don't mind that items disappear after a rest, but quest items (even small side quests) should never disappear.
These are perfect examples of how things are often not as cut and dry as they appear to be and why you have to know what will happen before making sweeping changes to core elements of the game.
I don't understand your second point. You seem to be implying that there's a play-style that doesn't include schlepping every single short sword and halberd back to town, and I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around that.
As for the second point, I totally forgot about that.