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What is your "best party"?

I guess there isnt just one being that the need of NPCs is based on a bunch of different factors (The class of the protagonist, the desired difficulty of not using any, etc.) But for sake of this discussion, lets hear your best party make up and why.

My best:

Me as a Sorcerer
Keldorn for chunking mages
Anomen for tanking/support/summons
Jaheira for tanking/Summons
Aerie because my sorc is lonely in the back chucking spells at everything
Jan for Thief/Mage


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    You should probably check out the powergaming thread and the Nightmare Mode thread for pages upon pages on exactly that topic :)
  • proghead3proghead3 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2016
    My favorite class for the PC is the inquisitor with carsomyr in the late game. It is strong from Candlekeep to Mel.

    I prefer melee-centric parties as I don't like to micromanage wizards. Also there are too many sick melee items... It would be a shame to see them wasted.

    Mazzy (once she gets a strength belt) with vorpal axe and Sarevok with ravager are nearly PC quality fighters, so I take them.

    I also take Anomen because he is so OP with dexterity bracers and Crom Faeyr. I also like Viconia because she is yet another plate wearer and she can help with buffing, although she is definitely the weakest link.

    Imoen with magi staff fulfills the thief and mage role simultaneously.

    This is a perfect party, well almost. Everyone has sick tier 1 weapons. Everyone has high strength, dexterity, and constitution minus Viconia's low constitution (Imoen's strength is irrelevant). Unfortunately Viconia requires reputation management, which is a minor issue to deal with.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I tried a run based on alternative ways of taking down SCS mages and it was the best party I've ever had.

    Totemic Druid for Fire Seeds
    Wizard Slayer(7)->Thief to apply spell failure using Fire Seeds
    Assassin(9)->Fighter to apply poison using Fire Seeds
    Sorcerer for Blindness
    Archer for Called Shot to guarantee failed saves in SoA, then Bounty Hunter for blind Maze traps in ToB
    Shadowdancer(9)->Cleric as Charname to make the protagonist nearly impossible to harm

    It took down SCS mages using spell failure and poison applied to Fire Seeds. No mage could ever survive it. It could, however, be made stronger by replacing the Archer with a Dwarven Defender for a proper tank, the Shadowdancer/Cleric with a Shadowdancer/Mage for better defenses, the Totemic Druid with a Wizard Slayer/Druid to free up room for other characters, the Assassin/Fighter with a Blackguard for less downtime and more abilities, and the Wizard Slayer/Thief with something else. We would still throw in the Bounty Hunter in ToB, since the Maze traps work even against the final bosses of Ascension ToB.
  • DetectiveMittensDetectiveMittens Member Posts: 235

    Since you asked:

    Gnome: Illusionist/Thief
    Gnome: Illusionist/Cleric
    Gnome: Cleric/Thief
    Gnome: Fighter/Illusionist
    Gnome: Fighter/Cleric
    Gnome: Fighter/Thief
  • If we're talking about a party built with NPCs, I like Aerie, Imoen, Mazzy, Rasaad, and Haer'Dalis. My PC will lead that as either a Cavalier or Archer. This party is as much for NPC banter as power, but Aerie gives you that powerful C/M combination, Imoen gives you high level magery, and Haer'Dalis lets you take advantage of the Bard's high CL and UAI. Mazzy is a beast at range or melee, and Rasaad really turns into a powerhouse as he hits higher levels with his MR and powerful unarmed attacks.
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