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[MOD] Artaport 4.0

EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
edited August 2018 in General Modding


Artaport is package containing portraits made by Artrastrophe . It's dedicated only for Enhanced Edition Baldur's Gate games and future Enhanced Edition Trilogy. It includes over 100 portraits for PC installed manually and NPC portraits installed by WeiDU. If you want to have Artrastrophe portraits in BG1/BG2/BGT/Tutu, then check LavaDelVortel PaintBG mod. There's also portraits preview.


1) If you want to use portraits for PC you need to copy-paste folder "portraits" into either C:\Users\user\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
C:\Users\user\Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition
Last 8 male and 2 female portraits (those with exclamation mark) was used by me for components 4) and 5) described below. If you don't use them, feel free to use those portraits for you own PC. But if so, don't be surprised when you will meet you own doppelganger!

2) If you want to change NPC portraits then simply unzip folder "artaport" + "setup-Artaport.exe" into one of the Enhanced Edition game folder (the one with chitin.key) and run "setup-Artaport.exe". You can chose which components you want. To uninstall run "setup-PaintBG.exe" again and select the uninstall option. This mod covers some changes made by one of the most famous and mandatory mod for BGII:EE - Unfinished Business 2 (Baldur's Gate II) and it needs to be installed after it.


1) Change portraits in BGI:EE - it replaces all NPC and default PC portraits in Baldur's Gate I: Enhanced Edition.

2) Change portraits in SoD - it replaces all NPC and default PC portraits in Baldur's Gate I: Siege of Dragonspear.

3) Change portraits in BG2:EE - it replaces all NPC and default PC portraits in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.

4) Add portraits to non-joinable NPCs in BG1:EE - it adds portraits in dialogue box to 14 plot-important, non-joinable NPCs

Angelo Belt DavaeornDrizztElminster Eltan Gorion Liia Mulahey Rieltar Sarevok Scar Tamoko Tazok

5) Add portraits to non-joinable NPCs in BG2:EE - it adds portraits in dialogue box to plot-important, non-joinable NPCs. So far only 2 NPCs had them. This component adds them to 11 more.


6) Restore BG1:EE NPC portraits - it restores portraits for non-joinable NPCs in BG2:EE known from BG1:EE.

7) Add portrait to Edwina - component made by Wendy Yung (cliffette) for Tweaks Antology (previously BG2 Tweaks). It changes Edwin portrait for female one during his quest.


Current version of this mod doesn't have portraits for plot NPCs in Siege of Dragonspear and Wilson NPC from Baldur's Gate II. If Artastrophe will create them, then they will be added here. If you want to support her and accelerate process of making those portraits, feel free to order commissions.


Artastrophe - created all portraits
Lava Del'Vortel - resized most of them
Wendy Yung (cliffette) - created Edwina portrait component
AstroBryGuy and Cahir - helped with code
Ayeotiee - shared his portraits

Change log

1.0 Initial release.
1.1 Changed Davaeorn, Anomen and Edwin portraits.
1.2 Changed Drizzt portrait.
2.0 Reorganized everything and added WeiDU installation with components for non-joinable NPCs for BG1:EE and BG2:EE.
2.1 Gave Ardulace more unique portrait and fixed Viconia and Minsc secondary portraits.
2.5 Added BG2:EE component restoring portraits to NPCs known from BG1:EE.
3.0 Fixed one bug and components order for it to work with EET.
3.1 Added missing Sarevok and Illasera portraits and compability with @Pecca Dragonspear UI++.
3.5 Weidu upgraded to version 23903 and BWS support.
4.0 Added 7 new portaits for PC and fixed 1 bug with Irenicus portrait.

Unfinished Business 2 (Baldur's Gate II):,29677.msg339528.html#msg339528

Post edited by Etamin on


  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Responding here instead of the other thread.

    That's too bad about the SoD NPCs. I'd be willing to throw in some money for a commision if others were interested as well. Also, I tried link this before but it didn't take for some reason:
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    @illathid Yeah, i noticed this portrait, but i think current one is better (also match to Viconia and Baeloth portraits). I could add it to use for your own character, but we can't create drow, so dunno if it's needed.
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2016
    Well it fits the canon depictions of Drizzt better, with the green cape and everything. But everyone has their own opinions. :) I'll probably but it in my own personal version.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    edited April 2016
    I will think about it. I also plan to add weidu installation some day, so all could choose portraits for those NPCs who have more than one, but for now i know nothing about weidu modding. Is it even possible to show images in this black, DOS, weidu installator?
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2016
    I don't think you can show images, but i've seen other weidu installers open links to readme files. You could have the installer link to a page that lists all of the various options.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    edited April 2016
    Yeah, that's a solution. I could also add more portraits for BGII plot NPCs. So far only Irenicus and Bodhi have them. There should be images at least for Ellesime, Gorion, Drizzt, Saemon Havarian and Aran Linvail (especially since portraits for the first three of those NPCs are already done). Where can i learn how to create weidu mod?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Released version 2.0 with WeiDU installation.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Version 2.1
    I gave Ardulace more unique portrait and fixed Viconia and Minsc secondary portraits (also fixed second spoiler preview).
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Version 2.5
    I added component restoring portraits for NPCs know from BG1:EE for those who don't want to install UB2. This will let anyone fully enjoy this portait pack without installing any other mod. This will be propably final version till arta will recreate SoD plot NPC portraits.
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Hmm... I wonder if maybe there's a better portrait for Tazok as he'd supposed to be half ogre rather than a half Orc. The gromnir portrait might just be the best option though.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    edited April 2016
    Unfortunatelly arta didn't make many non-humanoid portraits (i especially miss Sahuagin portraits for King Ixilthetocal and Prince Villynaty), so Gromnir image was the only choice.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Version 3.0
    I have fixed bug, which didn't change portraits for Throne of Bhaal plot NPCs and added EET compability (had to change components order for it to work).
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    edited August 2016
    Version 3.1
    Added missing Sarevok and Illasera portraits and compability with @Pecca Dragonspear UI++
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    This mod is fantastic, by far the best portrait mod pack I have seen. Thanks for this :)

    Love the consistency of the portraits now, looks awesome!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Wow, those portraits look beautiful! Always good to see a quality portrait mod
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    Any news about SoD NPCs being added? This is by far my favourite portrait mod :)
    I would be happy to put money towards this if anyone else is keen?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    I was trying to get in touch with artastrophe and agb1 which was ordering commissions of BG portaits, but to no avail. When i will know something more, then i will let you know in this topic.
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    Thanks, I would be happy to contribute to this fantastic work :)
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Feel free to contact with artastrophe
    Maybe she's still taking a commissions.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i think the weidu is out of date. i wanted to do a fresh install with these potraits and it gave me the unstable weidu message. might be able to fix it myself by letting it auto update then use this.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    @megamike15 But does the mod install properly? I didn't notice any problem.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it effects other mods installing. the same issue happened with another mod and was due to using the beta version of weidu.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Version 3.5 with BWS support and upgraded weidu.
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    Thanks for updating, I still think this is the best portrait mod collection I have come across :)
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    @Madrict Thanks. Did you try to order commission for new portraits with artrastrophe?
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    Yeah I did try to contact, but no response yet.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    edited November 2016
    Good news everyone. Artastrophe seems to be back in bussiness and ready for more portraits. Let us know which one would you like to see and how should they look like. In this topic or here. I personally vote for SoD plot-NPCs:
    Shining Lady:
    Hooded Man:
    This guy:
    But there's also 2 shaman portraits:
    And Wilson:
    I also would like one day finish my component which adds portaits for BG2 plot-NPCs, by adding King Ixilthetocal and Prince Villynaty images:
    @Madrict, if you still want to order commission, you can do it now.
    Post edited by Etamin on
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 835
    Since nobody answered, then i have to ask personaly - can anyone who played Siege of Dragonspear contact with Artastrophe and give her hints about those three, SoD plot NPCs (Shining Lady/Caelar Argent, Hooded Man, Hephernaan)?

    "Artastrophe wants suggestions about how the portraits should look. What are the specs? Races / alignments / stats (high str = more muscles, high cha = looks attractive or looks intimidating). What are the personalities? Colors? Accessories? Mood? Smiling? Frowning? Clever? Stupid? Wearing armor? (un)holy symbol? Long hair? She won't just take original portraits and repaint them."

    Artastrophe Deviantart account:
  • AyeotieeAyeotiee Member Posts: 34
    Don't know if this mod is still active or being worked on, but here are a couple of portraits artasthrope made for me that were never released, you can probably use them in your mod if you like.

    human male fighter

    Half-Orc male fighter/barbarian

    human male fighter

    halfling female

    human male bard

    nefarious mage without the devil horn circlet(I prefer this version)

    bard without harp

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