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[MOD] Artaport 4.0



  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    Wow, thanks a lot, i will try to add them later :). Do you know what's happening with arta? I still hope he will one day make portraits for those 3 SoD NPCs, but his devianart account seems dead.
  • AyeotieeAyeotiee Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2018
    Last I heard from her was back in October 2016, when she was working on some portraits for me.

    Here are sketches of the portraits she was working on when she vanished:

    I have tried contacting her but never gotten any response back. I really hope everything is alright with her.
    It's possible that she just got tired or bored of making fantasy portraits and wanted to do something else instead.
    Post edited by Ayeotiee on
  • MeraMera Member Posts: 133
    First of all, thank you for your great mod. I fell in love with Artastrophe's portraits and decided to use them for my most recent BG2EE run (and most likely for all following ones!).
    I'm not very far yet but something I've noticed is Irenicus during the dream sequences has the "regular" portrait.
    I would assume this is not a bug as someone would probably have noticed.

    Could there be something wrong with my install? (BWS with UB, almateria RP, Ascension, Refinements, SCS, Imoen romance and your mod obviously)

    Is there something I can fix manually, eg using the override folder?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2018
    Probably the game uses a different Irenicus for the dream sequence and the mod's code is not targeting it. A very comprehensible oversight.

    Edit: those portrait are cannon to me.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Raduziel said:

    Probably the game uses a different Irenicus for the dream sequence and the mod's code is not targeting it. A very comprehensible oversight.

    Edit: those portrait are cannon to me.

    Actually, it's simpler than that. The mod copies Artastrophe's Irenicus portrait for njonl.bmp and njonm.bmp but not njons.bmp (note the lack of a line copying njons.bmp in the code below).

    COPY ~artaport\main\njanl.bmp~ ~override\njanl.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\njanm.bmp~ ~override\njanm.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\njans.bmp~ ~override\njans.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\njonl.bmp~ ~override\njonl.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\njonm.bmp~ ~override\njonm.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\nkeldorl.bmp~ ~override\nkeldorl.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\nkeldorm.bmp~ ~override\nkeldorm.bmp~ COPY ~artaport\main\nkeldors.bmp~ ~override\nkeldors.bmp~

    @Mera - Go into your override folder and make a copy of njonm.bmp. Rename the copy njons.bmp.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    can't we just place the njons.bmp. in the mod folder in the override folder as well?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    The *s.bmp files in the mod appear to be 54x84. BGEE supports using higher res files.
  • MeraMera Member Posts: 133
    So, there was a bug after all. This mod is criminally underused!
    Anyway, thank you sir for the very quick and easy workaround! :)
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    Just released new version with those 7 PC portaits from Ayeotiee and that Irenicus bug fixed.
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    Thanks for updating this mod, it is by far the best portrait pack imo :) Agree it is a pity about those few SoD npcs not having portraits though :(
  • lnstructor_lnstructor_ Member Posts: 76
    I love Edwina.
  • EekanImpEekanImp Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2018
    Actually Artastrophe did release portraits for the SoD NPCs. Not in this pack but, I believe, back on their Deviantart. :)

    Downloading the attached zip file gives you access to all four portraits. You'll simply have to resize them and throw them into your override folder. ;)
    Post edited by EekanImp on
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    EekanImp said:

    @Madrict Actually Artastrophe did release portraits for the SoD NPCs. Not in this pack but, I believe, back on their Deviantart. :)

    Downloading the attached zip file gives you access to all four portraits. You'll simply have to resize them and throw them into your override folder. ;)

    I know, i have them in this mod. I meant 3 plot NPCs and 2 shaman portraits.
  • EekanImpEekanImp Member Posts: 28
    I read back (first page) after having posted and realized as much. I apologize for the mistake/oversight. :'(
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    I think that spending money in those portraits is better than spending money on Beamdog's official portrait packs.

    Can someone explain to me how this "order a commission" thing works?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    edited September 2018
    Raduziel said:

    I think that spending money in those portraits is better than spending money on Beamdog's official portrait packs.

    Can someone explain to me how this "order a commission" thing works?

    The problem is Arta doesn't show signs of life. I wrote to her few times and she responded only once - in april 2016. Her deviantart account is inactive since that time. So either something happend to her (hope not) or she just decided to do something else without saying goodbye. You can try contact her at deviantart:
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    Anyone know what's up with Arta? Will she back?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    Sikorsky said:

    Anyone know what's up with Arta? Will she back?

    No idea. Her Deviantart account is inactive for almost 3 years.
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    Sad....There's great concern that she dissapears all of a sudden :(
  • CrabbattleCrabbattle Member Posts: 1
    How do you uninstall this mod? I didn't realize it would straight up remove the default portraits from the game, but there doesn't seem to be a way to restore. The post says to run a "PaintBG.exe" but there's no such exe in the artaport file.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    edited March 2020
    Try running "setup-artaport.exe". If it doesn't have "uninstall" option then you will have to 'Verify Game'. Click the 'Options' button and select 'Verify Game'. This process will check your game files and let you know if it detects any changes to your game. If it does, allow it to restore your game to a clean state. It will restore game to default settings (and remove ALL mods).
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    It's really concerning that Arta suddenly went off the radar, just like that. I hope you are safe somewhere out there! <3
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah it's a shame their portraits are very good and sadly the rest of the sod characters that arnt the party members never got updated in this style.
  • DurandalisDurandalis Member Posts: 46
    Just so y'all are aware, Arta just dropped a post on their deviantart account back in January.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    I'm checking her account for time to time. Hope she will return to drawing BG portraits.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Thank you for letting us know, @Durandalis ! I totally missed that. So glad to read she's doing alright.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    This seems to be the most recent version of PaintBG still, correct? Even though it doesn't include Arta's last releases of certain mod NPCs yet?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    Isewein wrote: »
    This seems to be the most recent version of PaintBG still, correct? Even though it doesn't include Arta's last releases of certain mod NPCs yet?

    Yes. It has also the last release.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Huh? Does it? I don't see Finch, Tashia or Amber in there, for instance. I guess I should replace them manually?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 832
    edited October 2022
    They are in portraits for main character. Amber is Man26, Tashia is Women56 and Kelsey is Man38. Were those names important?
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