Still as an aside to the unofficial secondary thread topic of foreign language translation, every translation software out there does a terrible, terrible job.
I am still waiting for an actual good translation software that can interpret into idiomatic language, from one to the other. Such an achievement would actually be about the same as developing an artificial intteligence that can pass the Turing test.
Any word-for-word translation from one language to another, with any complicated and abstract ideas being expressed, is going to make absolutely no sense.
Similary, if you have only had academic studies of a language, and you attempt to communicate in that language using only a dictionary, you are going to encounter a whole lot of frustration trying to make yourself understood.
In my German essays, my instructor used to mark my every other sentence with "This is an anglicanism. Anglicanism. Anglicanism. Anglicanism." I had that written in red ink so many times on my essays, I started to think that my instructor needed to just get a customized stamp pad so he could just go down my essays and stamp it the two dozen or so times he needed to say it.
On topic: Good rocks. Don't give in to the darkside by playing evil. Although, I would say that in the operas I have sang in, playing the villain does tend to be the most fun role. I have to be the villain when I sing, because I am a baritone. It's almost a trope in opera and musical theater: "Villains Sing Bass, Heroes Sing Tenor."
About psychology and philosophy , I think they are not exact science. Through years we have seen many theories that classify humans in different categories. Every famous psychologist tries to enforce his/her own theory as if it matters. The topic "An introspection - the true nature of oneself understood from RPGs" states that people can't change. It also mentions that 'Now, you may have heard people say in the movies that "people change"'. I could counter with that "Now, you may have heard people say in the movies that "people can't change"'; I have heard that in movies. The most psychologists or philosophers I read about or talked to, tried to convince me in their "true scientific beliefs", but their science doens't prove anything like math or biology do. Iike your daily horoscope, it tells you things like: you will go bla bla bla, you will do bla bla bla, you will feel bla bla bla. It is enough for just one of the "bla bla bla"s to be true to make you believe that these horoscope fiction is true. If you think I am shallow, do not pay attention to my words. I am not trying to convince anyone anything. Just don't believe everything that sounds smart or is written by someone who is believed to be smart.
That's why philosophy and psychology ain't called mathematics. We don't call it to be science either, or else we would have called I'm also not trying to convince anybody of anything or proselytize. I have to say I'm starting to get a little bit annoyed having to excuse myself every time people take it the wrong way.
I understood the OP's post perfectly. Perhaps because I'm in contact with people who write/speak broken english and can understand and interpret the general gist of what they're saying/writing.
Sometimes I might be out in public and hear people say, 'huh?, what?' and have stepped in and said, they're trying to say this. Also, I use google translate a lot when finding out things on foreign websites so I can understand the main points of badly written translations from these website translaters
I am still waiting for an actual good translation software that can interpret into idiomatic language, from one to the other. Such an achievement would actually be about the same as developing an artificial intteligence that can pass the Turing test.
Any word-for-word translation from one language to another, with any complicated and abstract ideas being expressed, is going to make absolutely no sense.
Similary, if you have only had academic studies of a language, and you attempt to communicate in that language using only a dictionary, you are going to encounter a whole lot of frustration trying to make yourself understood.
In my German essays, my instructor used to mark my every other sentence with "This is an anglicanism. Anglicanism. Anglicanism. Anglicanism." I had that written in red ink so many times on my essays, I started to think that my instructor needed to just get a customized stamp pad so he could just go down my essays and stamp it the two dozen or so times he needed to say it.
On topic: Good rocks. Don't give in to the darkside by playing evil. Although, I would say that in the operas I have sang in, playing the villain does tend to be the most fun role. I have to be the villain when I sing, because I am a baritone. It's almost a trope in opera and musical theater: "Villains Sing Bass, Heroes Sing Tenor."
Sometimes I might be out in public and hear people say, 'huh?, what?' and have stepped in and said, they're trying to say this. Also, I use google translate a lot when finding out things on foreign websites so I can understand the main points of badly written translations from these website translaters