[Request] Itemized Difficulty Settings - Let's Make Everyone Happy

In the original games, we had a single slider that controlled the difficulty settings. I like the slider, we should keep it. However, once that slider has been set, an advanced option page for difficulty should also be available so that we can tweak the individual components and mix-and-match effects of different difficulty settings. This will allow the designers to include many features that are important to some people but not universally popular such as full HP every level or a nerfed wild magic table.
Things that could / should be available to tweak individually:
1.) Monster damage modifications (the standard difficulty slider included this)
2.) Full HP / rolled HP
3.) Wild surges: Increased chance / normal chance / normal chance BUT uses less aggressive table (for those who bemoan the stronger effects of the surge table) / normal chance BUT surged spells simply fail - no effects.
4.) Learn spells automatically / normally
5.) Yes / No permanent death
6.) Normal duration for disabling spells / reduced duration / reduced duration AND charm and confusion effects cause characters to do nothing instead.
Anything else? What should we be able to tweak individually as far as difficulty or other options go?
Things that could / should be available to tweak individually:
1.) Monster damage modifications (the standard difficulty slider included this)
2.) Full HP / rolled HP
3.) Wild surges: Increased chance / normal chance / normal chance BUT uses less aggressive table (for those who bemoan the stronger effects of the surge table) / normal chance BUT surged spells simply fail - no effects.
4.) Learn spells automatically / normally
5.) Yes / No permanent death
6.) Normal duration for disabling spells / reduced duration / reduced duration AND charm and confusion effects cause characters to do nothing instead.
Anything else? What should we be able to tweak individually as far as difficulty or other options go?
I would much prefer it to increase AI as opposed to just buffing everything.
@RomulanPaladin Full HP, 100% scribing, and no chunking is already handled by the slider in the current game.
From what i've understood switching between different AIs with a button is not that easy to implement so lets just leave all that for SCS as it is now.
I'd also might include option for destroying loot with spells on/off (petrification, disintegration and freezing can destroy loot afaik).
I'd still allow a "true resurrection" type deal, where you can raise someone even without the body, but I'd require a Diamond (just a regular old diamond gemstone), and increase the cost enormously.