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THAC0 Bonus -3?

kenserdokenserdo Member Posts: 3
edited April 2016 in New Players (NO SPOILERS!)
Hello, I am a little confused by the -3 thaco bonus. I know that when an item describes a THAC0 Bonus, it means that the THAC0 score decreases while wielding the item. So when wielding a +1 THAC0 bonus is actually the same as having -1 THAC0 with that item. But recently I have stumbled upon an item that has a -3 THAC0 bonus.
Does that mean my THAC0 will increase ? Like from 5 THAC0 I will go to 8?


  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Bioware was somewhat inconsistent with thac0 terminology, Though I thought beamdog had fixt mst of them. Generally when it says bonus it's a good thing, try equiping and unequiping it to see what difference it makes.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I don't recall ever seeing a case where something described as a numerical bonus was, in fact, a numerical penalty. So I'm pretty sure a -3 bonus is a bonus. I'll admit, however, that it's possible something has escaped my notice.
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