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Full series playthrough, questions

With dragonspear released, I've Finally decided to do a full baldurs gate play through. I'm gonna roll a berz cleric, and I have all that dealt with, I've just one or two questions.

1. How solid is that class idea? My role play idea is to play a power hungry bhaalspawn, that's shown humanity and faith over time, join a religion to smite some evil. Besides, was to dumb to realize how good spells were back in the day, time to Fix that.

2. I see a lot of mods, I intend to get EEkeeper, but any mods you guys can suggest for a more complete experience?

Thanks I advance


  • darkcrab34darkcrab34 Member Posts: 19
    PS: I may use the create a party thing to make 1 extra char. Will he or she be transferred to SOD and baldurs gate 2?
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    On mods, SCS to improve AI is standard on my installs, and from other's comments on the forums it seems to be working with SoD. I also like components from BG Tweaks but not sure it is working with SoD yet. I usually roll with Rogue Rebalancing for thieves/bards, but again not sure it is compatible yet.

    Others more enlightened than me on cleric builds will have to comment on your build proposal, but berserker immunities are very powerful.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    edited April 2016
    As for question 1: Berserker > Cleric dual is very powerful. Fighter stats and hp are great, and the berserker immunities are almost god-like. Add to that, great combat buffs from the cleric side and a vast number of spells to give you high utility as a caster. The main question is when to dual. To get the most out of the whole series I'd suggest level seven, as you'll get your fighter abilities back in SOD. Also, imho, level 7 is more than fine even for BG2 and TOB, though a lot of players advocate for dualling at levels 9 or 13. Forgive me for commenting on this if you're already experienced at dual classing.

    As for creating a party, yes, you can import them all to the sequels.
  • DevardKrownDevardKrown Member Posts: 421
    edited April 2016

    With dragonspear released, I've Finally decided to do a full baldurs gate play through. I'm gonna roll a berz cleric, and I have all that dealt with, I've just one or two questions.

    1. How solid is that class idea? My role play idea is to play a power hungry bhaalspawn, that's shown humanity and faith over time, join a religion to smite some evil. Besides, was to dumb to realize how good spells were back in the day, time to Fix that.

    2. I see a lot of mods, I intend to get EEkeeper, but any mods you guys can suggest for a more complete experience?

    Thanks I advance

    EE Keeper is not really a Mod but a Savegame editor , it lets you either break the game just giving you illegal class/race combinations , all Stats 25 and max level and such shenanigans , or Fix Bugs, change a Character Sprite ...just flavor things that don't interrupt the game flow..

    As for the Berserker/Cleric
    The Berserk Immunities add nothing the Cleric cant buff himself later on then it Matters, but Remove your Ability to use Slings and reducing your only range Option to Throwing Hammers , which you wont get before BG2 (dunno if SoD has one)

    go for a Half Orc Fighter/Cleric ..the 19 Strength adds decent to Hit and massive damage permanent right at the Start, you wont get Weapon Grand mastery , but with the ongoing Fighter progression you will have Better THAC0 Values in the end, and you can broaden your Weapon selection instead of Limiting yourself to 1 grand mastery weapon.
    also with Buckly's Buckler in the Friendly Arm (1500g) you get Natural HP regeneration during sleep and Map travel (later you get a +1 Con Book and opening up your offhand for a better shield or weapon !)
    Not to mention you have no Dual Classing Gap.
    only downside on this Bugger is that your max Cleric Spells will come slightly Later than a Dual Class...

    Have fun !
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