Some questions about BG events

Have been playing the last 2.0 BGEE and the following things happen...
I have memorized identify spells... When I right click an item I cant identify it.
I have the New Monk Rasaad trying to find traps. 25pts atm in finding traps and he doesnt find anything, ever.
When we find Dorn, its an encounter while travelling. I had a full party and left one NPC there. Is he gone? It was Minsc BTW. All other NPCs I left stayed put or went to F.Inn.
Kagain just gives up on his quest once I get near the caravan... (Also his quest never appeared in jounal)
Edit: I can add that the Ulcaster ghost was not giving me any quest. I had to continue talking to him (with book in inv. until eventually the quest was completed.)
Not sure if these are bugs, any help is welcome.
ps. In this playthrough I have the impression that the more fighters with shields the easier this would be. With 3 (low lvl) mages in the party atm, it isnt easy. (core)
I have memorized identify spells... When I right click an item I cant identify it.
I have the New Monk Rasaad trying to find traps. 25pts atm in finding traps and he doesnt find anything, ever.
When we find Dorn, its an encounter while travelling. I had a full party and left one NPC there. Is he gone? It was Minsc BTW. All other NPCs I left stayed put or went to F.Inn.
Kagain just gives up on his quest once I get near the caravan... (Also his quest never appeared in jounal)
Edit: I can add that the Ulcaster ghost was not giving me any quest. I had to continue talking to him (with book in inv. until eventually the quest was completed.)
Not sure if these are bugs, any help is welcome.
ps. In this playthrough I have the impression that the more fighters with shields the easier this would be. With 3 (low lvl) mages in the party atm, it isnt easy. (core)
Post edited by Razor on
2. 25pts is kinda on the low end and although im not sure how many traps are that level I dont think there are that many.
3. Im not sure.. yes? I would have thought that would have been fixed by now but im not sure as i never have tried it. Edit: I just leave them at the inn before i get Dorn. Im not sure if they go away if you leave them in the area where dorn is. which i think is what you are asking?
4. Kagains quest was never fully implemented even in the original BG. It was a cut quest so yeah he just gives up unless u have mods to bring it back
Yeah 3 mages can be hard as they are kinda crappy at low levels.. But its doable if you wanted to
2. Ulcaster and then the mines had terrible traps and I invested all I could on finding them and Rasaad was 100% useless. Had to tank all the traps with Kagain...
3. So since I left minsc in the place Dorn was, and I cant go back there, Ill assume hes lost... I knew I should have left Rasaad, he takes damage like WATER. (gets hit alot)
Yes now that the mages are getting to lvl 3, and the rest too, its actually getting easier.
2. 25 is low. you can find some traps, but it will take awhile.
3. Only the EE npcs return to the FAI (Nashkel) sadly Minsc is gone. You should drop someone in Nashkel before getting Dorn, OR pick up Dorn and drop him right away. He will go to FAI, allowing you to drop someone where you can pick them up again.
4. Kagain is suppose to give up on his quest.
5. It may have to do with your rep or it may have to do with a bug. donno about this one.
6. It is easier with one high AC tank and 2 using range weapons.
And Ulcaster is a mid/high level end game place :O your wanting at-least 75-100 in find traps (I Think...) for there to be able to see them
Maybe the Minsc quest for Dynaheir? what would you recommend to get some lvls? cause I feel iam jumping chapters too fast.
Edit: There was this quest in nashkel mines, about giving a dagger (ithink) to someone dow there, it never went to my journal, I forgot about it, that why I thought there might be bugs with the jounal. That some quests don't appear.
as for leveling. there are a few areas to the west with stuff to kill that i normally do to gain some levels if im feeling under leveled. Hope that helps
25% in find trap will only find traps 25 percent of the time if you are lucky - not good you need at least 70%+ but if you are hitting the mines at level 3 - something over 55% would be good.
Why are you going to the mines so early - wander around the areas and get some more experience before going down - lots of side-quests to get some easier xp and wait until you are level 4 to go.
Nashkel mines, depending on the party, is for lvl2. Mages and Rasaad are arrow cushion as you said lol but it is doable with anyone.
With 35 pts he's finally finding traps. He can't deactivate them though, so, yea.
Finding traps are not that difficult - if you wanted to Rassad could find them and heck there is even the spell find trap - but if you can't disarm them then there might be a bit of trouble. Stock up on anti-poison potion just in case.