most challening party of six - what would it be for you?

Many of us have played BG1 using the BG2 engine via Tutu and BGT. But now we will be playing BG1 *officially* with BG2 kits via BG:EE. So with the introduction of kits, what would you consider the most challenging party you could put together?
This may include any assortment of NPCs, a full custom party, or a mix of NPCs and custom PCs.
We all know that some NPCs have been tagged as least effective. And some classes and kits are seen that way too.
So what is your "weakest" (most challenging to win with) possible party?
This may include any assortment of NPCs, a full custom party, or a mix of NPCs and custom PCs.
We all know that some NPCs have been tagged as least effective. And some classes and kits are seen that way too.
So what is your "weakest" (most challenging to win with) possible party?
Post edited by Lemernis on
PC - monk
PC- jester
PC- beastmaster
SkieAloraXan meleeing with Moonblade (Oh, what's the point?)
That's probably true. I've barely used her or Alora. I think only once each and I can't even remember how they did.
It is worth noting that you will have 5 carrying capacity and will be unable to use your staff.
Alora has a great Dexterity and great Saving Throws, but you have to pick her up soooo late, and she dumps a bunch of stat points into pick pocketing, which is not everyone's favorite thing to do.
Skie, also picks up really late, but she has 18 Dex/15 Con. So, not bad. Her stats are rounded when you pick her up, which is interesting.
If I personally had to pick one thief which made the party really challenging; I'd go with Alora.
If I have even a single arcane caster and a single divine caster, I can pretty much get through anything without worrying too much. When you take away spells, you're screwed. There'd be some encounters in BG2 I think would be impossible.
For the first game, it's definitely possible. Although I think you'd have to cheese some encounters a bit (like running away from Daveorn until his protections wore off).
I don't think this would b miserable at all. Spellcasters are underpowered for the first part of the game & only really come into play during boss fights.
Biggest drawback would be the bucks spent on healing pots, and that you wouldn't be able to heal CC'd characters.
If you ask me, the canon party is pretty bad. I refuse to go adventuring with two couples. Talk about being the odd one out...I have to bring my sister along and pretend she's my girlfriend.
I won the game pretty handily once with a party of 4 specialists (who used their specialty school's spells first), a cleric, and a mage-thief--all of whom used spells almost exclusively. It was very difficult early on, though, as you can imagine.
I think the game could actually be very winnable with an all warrior class party led by a Wizard Slayer. That's a 'concept game' that I'm going to try, eventually.
The six monks would be tough early on, but as they became more powerful they would be devastating.
I figure Wizard Slayer, Inquisitor and Assassin but what else would you add?
Re: all warrior class party led by Wizard Slayer:
Well, as far as I can see Wizard Slayers don't have any beef with divine magic, just arcane magic. (Amn is the perfect place to find this sort of character, btw!) So I would be tempted to add a cleric or fighter-cleric as well. Just because the game could get pretty darned tedious without a healer. I.e., you'd be spending a lot of time visiting temples.
Actually, if I had my druthers Wizard Slayers would be allowed to don divinely enchanted items only, versus items enchanted through arcane magic, if that makes sense.
I think I would add a Barbarian, just cause I've never played one. Berserker seems to fit well here too, for that matter.
So perhaps
Wizard Slayer (main character)
Cleric of Talos
Or just make Garrick your party leader.
Lol, I do have Garrick in my party in the post further up.
The Wizard Slayer led party of all *fighter* types is actually growing on me a lot as a real consideration to actually play...
Rule - use only the Reckless Dweomer
In all seriousness, I guess I'd say :
Wild Mage
Beast Master
I don't really know how to fill up that XXX spot, but the ones mentioned should have a few difficulties. Although having a Beast Master, Shapeshifter, Monk and Kensai all together can still cause the enemies to die quite soon.
I once went with a six monk party from BG all the way to ToB. It's tough... until you hit level 2 with all the monks. From then forward, it gets easier and easier gradually. By the time you hit level 10 in Shadows of Amn, nothing can stop you. By the time you hit Whirlwind HLA... you're invulnerable.
Her physical stats are pretty bad but they don't really matter. If you want to use her in melee, shapeshift. Doesn't matter that you have crappy strength and dexterity when you can just turn into a bear and set it to something different.
Keep her at a distance with darts and slings while in caster form, turn into a wolf and nibble at people if you run out of bullets and spells. Plus, her dire wolf ability is pretty awesome especially considering how fast dire wolves are compared to anything else in the game.
Faldorn can get to level 10 by the end of the game (ToSC). She also has one of the highest WIS scores of any divine caster.
Druid casting is more fun if you've got the Spell Revisions mod installed, and I've often thought of hacking Faldorn into an Avenger kit as that seems to suit her personality.