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Viconia Romance Question [spoilers]



  • fbencefbence Member Posts: 29
    It didn't actually, I'm already in SoA, but I'm probably going to load an older save and try getting the 5th triggered.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I did some digging through the SoD dialogue files, so if you'd like to know exactly where and when each dialogue occurs, see the Spoilers below!
    CHAPTER 8 or 9:
    ViconiaRomance1: Unfortunately this one occurred quite a while back so I am unsure of where exactly it pops, but it definitely occurs before Chapter 10. Viconia remarks on the coincidence of finding herself back in your company. She still has trouble coming to terms with how differently typical drow behaviour and norms conflict with surfacer expectations, so try to be understanding.

    CHAPTER 10:
    ViconiaRomance2: Occurs in the Coalition Camp, most likely during the first time you arrive. Viconia is wary about the presence of so many Flaming Fist around.

    ViconiaRomance3: Occurs in the Underground River aboveground map. Viconia is surprised (and grudgingly admiring) that Khalid is still devoted to Jaheira. This is the "Are you interested in anyone else?" make-or-break conversation for Viconia. Make sure you pick Viconia as your response, even if she chastises you for it afterwards.

    ViconiaRomance4: Occurs in the Underground River, just after crossing the bridge to the north of the Crusader supply camp. Viconia mentions that she now dislikes being underground. Depending on your dialogue options, she can talk a bit about why she fled from the Underdark.

    ViconiaRomance5: Occurs in the Underground River, after you return from causing some mischief in Dragonspear Castle OR planting the Bwoosh barrel. Viconia complains about her feet being sore. She seems moody, so take care not to be either overtly hostile or abjectly ingratiating (which reminds her of cringing drow males back home), and the romance is safe.

    CHAPTER 11:
    ViconiaRomance6: Occurs right before entering the portal to Avernus. Impossible to miss. A surprisingly heartwarming exchange with Viconia which probably plants the seeds for the true romance to blossom in BG2.
  • domitridomitri Member Posts: 7
    @CHAPTER 8 or 9:
    ViconiaRomance1: Unfortunately this one occurred quite a while back so I am unsure of where exactly it pops, but it definitely occurs before Chapter 10. Viconia remarks on the coincidence of finding herself back in your company. She still has trouble coming to terms with how differently typical drow behaviour and norms conflict with surfacer expectations, so try to be understanding.

    Help me please. I need to understand exactly where Viconia begins the Raman in chapter 8 or 9 and the place where the dialogue specifically begins.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    Im curious about the other "romance" talks with Viconia. I believe I had 4 with her in my playthrough and last one was before we went to Avernus, where she offers a kiss for good luck, nothing after that.
    Could someone tell me where I can read or see the others? Thank you.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    Also, I read that she can visit you in prison, but she never visited me, can anyone confirm this or tell me where I can find files for it?
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    mademan2 wrote: »
    Also, I read that she can visit you in prison, but she never visited me, can anyone confirm this or tell me where I can find files for it?

    That is odd. You should be visited by at least one person in the cell. Corwin will always show up (unless she's dead, I think. Never tested this), and your love interest, if you have one. If your love interest doesn't show up, perhaps the romance didn't conclude successfully or something got broken (like a spawn trigger).
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Note that a lot of talks in SoD are triggered by area triggers. So if you use CTRL-J to teleport around maps, you could easily miss some talks.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    even then they tend to not fire right. might wanna get jastey's sod tweaks mod that makes it so they fire more often.
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