Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough

Update (July 23, 2016): This walkthrough has been completed in sixteen parts. Enjoy!
I have undertaken to write an in-depth walkthrough for Beamdog's Siege of Dragonspear expansion for BG:EE. I would like to think it's EZ to find answers in my write-ups, but lemme know if you have difficulty and I'll try to help. This is a WiP, the posts being actively revised by me in light of my progression. Ten posts are complete and they're fairly polished.
The sort of things this walkthrough covers: main quest, side quests, companions, itemization, combat encounters, reactivity, quest and kill experience rewards, and general pro-tips (among other specifics that are spoilerish to mention). Plus there are some pics for companions, dialogue, encounters, items and maps, where appropriate.
This walkthrough should appeal to newbies because it eases into things and doesn't overload with Too Much Info and stats (some TMI and stats are present, but they're typed in a smaller font and easily ignored).
Anonymous users may now post comments. Newbies, veterans and devs alike are encouraged to share insights: the blog is moderated and comments are reviewed prior to their posting in order to ensure trolls and bigots stand no chance.
Links contain rigorous spoilers, but you can safely click Part I for a look-see because it contains clearly marked spoiler warnings.
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part I
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part II
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part III
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part IV
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part V
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part VI
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part VII
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part VIII
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part IX
Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough - Part X
Siege of Dragonspear - Companion Breakdown
Siege of Dragonspear - Item List
Post edited by Lilura on
(massive spoilers)
Siege of Dragonspear - Companion Breakdown
Siege of Dragonspear - Item List
Again, these posts are being actively revised in the light of my progression. I'm quite enjoying the Siege campaign so far, and I hope that shows through in my posts.
Campaign is gettin' gud now!
With this post I begin to more fully appreciate the amount of work that went into this campaign.
One thing to add: Amazingly enough, Voghiln is romancable, but this isn't listed on your character breakdown (which is FANTASTIC, by the way).
Hehe, only kidding. That's my blog, feel free to steal @Lilura. I'm not sure I will ever get around to doing romances. But, I do have all the banters that have popped up saved and also plan on doing an extensive photo-journey through the game's books, items, and narrative.
The walkthrough has allowed me to slowly enjoy the game (I haven't beaten it yet). I've found it enjoyable enough to want to play it through with different party compositions.
Thanks for finding me @bengoshi
I'm not referring to other ppl's works, though.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on my blog, thus far! I'm unable to catch everything on a maiden run, so it's very welcome that ppl pitch in with pro-tips.
Btw, for anyone who is up for a hardcore, BG-esque role-playing experience, I heartily recommend the Swordflight Series by the great Rogueknight 333. It is the best RPG I have ever played, and I've played a lot.
I took a bit of a break. Sorry about that.
Gonna try and power this walkthrough home. Encouragement, pls!
The last three areas have been borderline borefests (Coalition Camp, Dead Man's Pass, Dragonspear (courtyard).
I like to write walkthroughs that flow and tell a bit of a story along the way; I have come to dislike the soulless wiki-style and flavorless brevity of many guides in recent years.
Sometimes it's hard to write in that style for Siege, especially when there are so many lil' quests that take the steam out of the plot, but at least the player can see the order in which I did things and know that way will work for them, instead of getting lost in a sea of fragmented info-bits.
I think my Snow Hunt, Bastard of Kosigan and Aielund Saga walkthroughs are the most free-flowing and EZ/fun to read. I wish I could read stuff like this written by others; afterall, there isn't enough time in one's life to exhaust all the great NWN community content freely available to us all.
From a role playing perspective, a good aligned party would assist the Druids above ground and not just leave the dark Druid alive arbitrarily because the player decides to fully explore the map before finishing the quest. And a good aligned party would help the sick soldiers.
An evil party would side with the dark Druid and wouldn't care about helping the sick soldiers.
So IMO, the game forces us to rely on meta knowledge in order to complete both quests if we're going to role play.
That's fine for encouraging multiple play throughs to access missed content. But I don't consider it hand holding if every single other game in this genre would at least provide some clue that killing an NPC now will prevent later quest completion.