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NPC's in BG2 have different stats than in BG1 Should this change? (Importing Character's Technical)

DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
If you guys notice a lot of characters in BG2 have stat shifts from BG1, Jaheria, Minsc, Viconia and Edwin....etc.

I did a search and found a thread that sort of talked about this, but it didn't really address it in a gameplay kind of manner, if you played with these NPC's in BG1 and you beat Sarevok / imported into BG2 any tomes you gave your party were saved, but the additional stat buffs the game would give your NPC's wouldn't be enabled. Overall they would be weaker for it.

I think from the start they should have BG2 stats to correct for this so it's not so convoluted. But what do you think?


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I'd prefer if they had BG2 stats.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I honestly don't think any of them need those stat boost in BG1. Most of them are already great.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    I've been fooling around with modded games, playing with and without the BG2 stats in the original and the difference is noticeable. Viconia gains bonus spells and Jaheira turns into a crack shot with her sling.

    This throws balance off a little bit -- it makes things easier -- especially in the early game. So on that level, I'm opposed. The original game is, tbh, pretty danged easy and doesn't need to be made easier based on some thin plea towards 'continuity.'
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    Actually, most of the characters I have problems with end up being killed off or unplayable in BG2 anyway, so it wouldn't help them. I'm more concerned about consistency, and how complicated it would be to program.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Tanthalas and @Aosaw I totally agree with you both. From a technical standpoint it just makes so much more sense, and it keeps your playthroughs more seemless and tactical. I get really frustrated having to use Shadowkeeper to keep things straight as I had them. But still keep the stats consistent for this very reason.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Brude I play on he hardest settings only....I have never played on anything less than insane. And the stat boosts of BG2 stats doesn't make things that much easier. Jaheria can take a few more hits, but her sling Thaco doesn't get any boosts like you're suggesting. Her Armor Class improves slightly though. Minsc has a slightly better Armoc Class too, Edwin has slightly more carry weight...Viconia gets a spell boost, which is honestly the strongest boost of all of them.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Debaser said:

    @Brude I play on he hardest settings only....I have never played on anything less than insane. And the stat boosts of BG2 stats doesn't make things that much easier. Jaheria can take a few more hits, but her sling Thaco doesn't get any boosts like you're suggesting. Her Armor Class improves slightly though. Minsc has a slightly better Armoc Class too, Edwin has slightly more carry weight...Viconia gets a spell boost, which is honestly the strongest boost of all of them.

    Heh, if it's not such a big deal, then why do you need the extra stats? And don't say consistency, because that makes no sense.

    In the original game, Jaheira had a 14 DEX, which offers no bonuses. With her BG2 stats, she gets +2 ranged thac0, an additional -3 armor class, and a +2 reaction adjustment. In the first few levels of BG1, that is HUGE. It's the difference between ditching her right after Nashkel (which many people did, back in the day) and making her not only a viable addition to the party but an attractive one for the entire game.

    Viconia goes from 15 WIS in BG1 to 18 WIS in BG2. That's an additional divine spell at levels 2, 3, and 4 and another +5 to lore. Again, that's a big edge from midgame through the end, especially if she's your primary healer.

    Minsc gains -1 armor, +1 ranged thac0, and a +1 reaction adjustment. A smaller boost, but not inconsequential.

    Consider that these boosts are cumalative across the whole party. Without them: Jaheira does less physical damage, mobs take longer to die, Viconia has fewer healing spells, and Minsc's AC is slightly worse so he gets hit more often.

    Use SK to revert their stats in your current playthrough. I guarantee you'll notice the difference (even with Edwin, who gains a negligible +1 STR. That's an additional carrying weight of 40 pounds).
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Brude from my perspective, it's more about allowing the tomes to take effect through BG2 as well as BG1. It creates a "meta" reason for the player to not use the tomes all on the protagonist ("because he's the only one who will keep the bonuses through both games").

    It's not about giving the characters a boost; it's about giving all the characters a constant baseline to build upon for BG2.

    Another solution might be to, at the start of BG2, simply grant all of the BG1 NPCs a permanent boost to their stats that is comparable to what they receive normally. That way, if you don't use the tomes on your companions, they'll be on par with what they were originally; if you do use the tomes, they'll be just that much more appealing.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    edited September 2012
    @Brude and @Aosaw, I TOTALLY agree with Aosaw, a consistent boost from BG1 to BG2 that doesn't mess with the tomes is really the main reason I do it. Otherwise I'm just randomly making the PC incredibly overpowered in comparison to all the NPC's with the Tomes, even if my rolls are merely average. Also I wouldn't care if it the boosts were consistent to what you boosted with the first game. If they receive the same stat changes but still get the bonuses for tomes it becomes a LOT more interesting. I would totally fine with that and then keeping stats consistent with BG1 otherwise.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Brude and @Aosaw had to edit above a bit.***
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    @Debaser Yeah what a shocker, you agreeing with @Aosaw when he's backing your argument. ;-)

    My point is that instead of making the PC 'randomly overpowered,' you're intentionally making specific NPCs overpowered.

    In your scenario, Viconia could have 21 WIS at the start of BG2. How is that not ridiculous?

    The encounters in both games are balanced around the developers assuming NPCs would have stats within a certain range, and have limitations because of that. A +3 here and a +3 there, and you throw off that balance. It's not hard to do, because when you do it, it's noticeable even in starting areas.

    This would also make meta gaming not only official, but almost required. Nobody would give an INT tome to Xan, or a WIS tome to Faldorn. Instead, you'd pass them around to characters you knew were in the sequel, whether you actually had them in your party or not. How does that make sense, add to immersion, or lend itself to 'consistency'?
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Brude I'm agreeing with him that the stats boosts should be cumulative, if we gave someone a tomb in BG1 then it should carry over on top of the stat changes they get in BG2, if we could get that in place I would be fine with sticking it out with the BG1 stats. But it sucks to give someone a boost and have it not translate to the next game. That's what I'm saying.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Brude, it's fine if you want to boost someone who will die, but the fact is...most people have played this game before. Also there are new NPC's who carry over, it could go to one of them too. I think just boosting the PC is truly meta-gaming as you put it. Because then things like what happens to him in BG2 stat-wise really are of no consequence. It's one thing if you solo the game usually...but another not to think about your party tactically at all. The insane difficulty in a revised environment where I'm assuming some AI improvements will take place would still be a challenge by the time you get to BG2 I'm sure. There's not THAT many books to go around, and their stats would still remain a bit less powerful in BG1 as per your liking, I'm not sure why choosing to boost the characters you intend to party with is any different than choosing to boost the PC?
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Brude Respectfully, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm just curious why you think it's that different.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Debaser said:

    @Brude I'm agreeing with him that the stats boosts should be cumulative, if we gave someone a tomb in BG1 then it should carry over on top of the stat changes they get in BG2, if we could get that in place I would be fine with sticking it out with the BG1 stats. But it sucks to give someone a boost and have it not translate to the next game. That's what I'm saying.

    Well, as somebody pointed out in another thread: You already got those bonuses. There are three +WIS books in BG:TotSC and Viconia's WIS jumped three points by the time SoA rolls around. There's one DEX book, and Minsc's DEX went up a point. I dunno why somebody gave Edwin the +STR book. :D
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Brude said:

    @Debaser Yeah what a shocker, you agreeing with @Aosaw when he's backing your argument. ;-)

    He's agreeing with me 'cause I'm awesome. :D
    My point is that instead of making the PC 'randomly overpowered,' you're intentionally making specific NPCs overpowered.

    In your scenario, Viconia could have 21 WIS at the start of BG2. How is that not ridiculous?

    The encounters in both games are balanced around the developers assuming NPCs would have stats within a certain range, and have limitations because of that. A +3 here and a +3 there, and you throw off that balance. It's not hard to do, because when you do it, it's noticeable even in starting areas.

    This would also make meta gaming not only official, but almost required. Nobody would give an INT tome to Xan, or a WIS tome to Faldorn. Instead, you'd pass them around to characters you knew were in the sequel, whether you actually had them in your party or not. How does that make sense, add to immersion, or lend itself to 'consistency'?
    This is an excellent point, although you can do the same thing with the protagonist, so I don't see how it makes a difference. I can build a cleric with an 18 Wisdom, then give him all three tomes to boost his Wisdom to 21. Or I can give those tomes to Viconia, boosting her BG1 Wisdom to 18, which will give her a 21 Wisdom when I meet her again in BG2. Whether she has it or I have it makes no difference; the only difference is that currently, if I give Viconia the tomes or use them for myself, Viconia will always have the 18 Wisdom in BG2. So there's no mechanical reason to give those tomes to her in BG1.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Brude but there's nothing tactical about those boosts...if they did other things to gain more boosts between games it's one thing, but I'm not sure they should lose the items you choose to give them is all. For instance it REALLY makes sense to give Minsc the Strength boost if you've played both games. More so than any other book. And Imoen who duals to mage in cannon benefits from the Int boost by default. But...aside from all of that. I just think being able to see what you do have real effects is a better gaming experience, though I can see why you would want them to hold off on BG2 stat boosts until BG2.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Debaser said:

    @Brude Respectfully, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm just curious why you think it's that different.

    No worries. I apologize if my posts were overly emphatic.

    I wouldn't have had a strong opinion on this either way, but last night I set up another Tutu install with mod options that retained the original stats for Jaheira, Viconia, Minsc, and Edwin. And it wasn't until then that I realized how badly I've been cheesing my own games.

    Well that, and thinking a lot about balance because Tutu's makes many changes that are arbitrary and erratic, and the balance varies enormously from screen to screen, in a way that wasn't present in the original game.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Aosaw said:

    This is an excellent point, although you can do the same thing with the protagonist, so I don't see how it makes a difference. I can build a cleric with an 18 Wisdom, then give him all three tomes to boost his Wisdom to 21. Or I can give those tomes to Viconia, boosting her BG1 Wisdom to 18, which will give her a 21 Wisdom when I meet her again in BG2. Whether she has it or I have it makes no difference; the only difference is that currently, if I give Viconia the tomes or use them for myself, Viconia will always have the 18 Wisdom in BG2. So there's no mechanical reason to give those tomes to her in BG1.

    You are indeed awesome, but in this case you're overlooking a couple of things.

    First: The meta gaming. If you're a cleric, why is Viconia in your party? Why would you give her the tomes? If you wanted to spread out the stat boost, wouldn't it make more sense to take Faldorn and get bonus druid spells? Nobody would do that now, and what's worse, good aligned parties that never invited Viconia anywhere would seek her out just to gift her the tomes because she's in the sequel -- because if you don't do that, you're effectively gimping your SoA run.

    Second: The PC is one character who can only do one thing at a time. That's the difference between boosting their stats alone and boosting NPC stats for the entire sequel. A single character with super stats still can't swing a 2hander, cast a heal, and a shoot at range all at the same time, in the same round. But a boosted PC + these 3 NPCs could. That's the difference.

    The bonus spells that Viconia gets alone are enough to throw off the balance of some trickier encounters in both games. Further, if you boosted her that high you'd be almost forced to use her for your entire run.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I do get what you're saying. But my point is that you can be a cleric (a male cleric, let's say, and assume that you want Viconia because of her romance in BG2) with an 18 Wisdom, give yourself three tomes of Wisdom, and then be just as unbalanced in BG2 as if you had an 18 Wisdom and given the tomes to Viconia.

    Similarly, if I'm playing a fighter with an 18 Strength and give myself the Strength tome to boost my score to 19, that's no more unbalanced than if I give the tome to Minsc.

    The only thing that changes is whether or not the tomes are "remembered" by the engine. Currently they're not; the ability score boosts to the NPCs are arbitrary, intended to fix a balance issue and make them more competitive for BG2 challenges.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    I played BG2 first, and was a bit taken aback when I started my first BG1 evil playthrough and recruited Viconia. You can guess why :) 15 WIS?! I remember how soo pissed I was :D

    So I would love them to have BG2 stats. It wouldn't change that much I think, as you all said it before me:

    Viconia would gain a great boost, which is not that bad, considering the lack of supporting evil play.

    The +3 DEX for Jaheria is a huge advantage in the early game yes, but 1: she can't use bows to benefit from ranged thac0, and 2: she's not a really good fighter to begin with... at least this way she gets some more survivability.

    It's almost the same thing with Minsc. Although he is a decent fighter without the +1 DEX and CON, too, he is still nothing compared to a melee PC with 18/00-18-18 :)

    As for Edvin: +1 STR and WIS... Wow... Big whoop...

    So as for this issue, I would say that for consistency it would be better to give them BG2 stats. (Jaheria and Edvin (for weight cap) could use it, wouldn't be too OP for Minsc, and Viconia... well, she's the greatest cleric of all time anyway, am I right? :) )

    As for the tomes... I would really dig it if the changed stats could be exported to BG2, but there's one little problem which occured to me a couple of months ago (and which @Brude already mentioned): 21 WIS which you could get for Viconia is INSANE :D Even good parties would try to keep theor reputation in mid levels so they could keep her :)

    Maybe some people won't like me, but what if we take BG2 stats. Allow stats to be exported into BG2. And reduce the number of WIS tomes. I never understood, why are there 3 of them in BG anyway? (Although I did love them with my fighter/cleric, when I ended up with 22 WIS by the end of ToB :D )
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe there were three wisdom tomes because in BG1, the effects of a high wisdom are only felt by clerics, which makes them less potent than other ability scores.

    I agree that three is kind of excessive, but I would expect something to be put in their place if two of them were removed.
  • LaflammeLaflamme Member Posts: 54
  • ImBarryScottImBarryScott Member Posts: 18
    Lack of continuity makes no sense, what is the explanation for stat shifts between first and second games? The continuity really bugs me, it might not everyone but it makes perfect sense to be annoyed by something that has no RP explanation. There are definite balance issues but hey, the game isn't balanced anyway, it requires you to put effort in if you want a challenging and rewarding experience, and that effort can take into account slightly different stats.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I would highly prefer the stats stay as they are in BG1. It would be unbalanced to change any of them, except of course Edwin where it would make little to no difference.

    BG1 has a LOT of NPCs. They managed to balance nearly all of them pretty well (with a few exceptions), so that no NPC was "better than most" or whatnot. *Especially* the fighters. No fighter was good at everything. The closest you have to that is Khalid, but his strength is rather underwhelming, so truly ... let's look at this:

    Ajantis - 17/13/16 - Great Strength, good Con, bad Dex.
    Coran - 14/20/12 - Epic Dex, okay Strength, bad Con.
    Jaheira - 15/14/17 - Great Con, meh Dex, meh Strength
    Kagain - 16/12/20 - Epic Con, okay Strength, bad Dex.
    Khalid - 15/16/17 - Great Con, good Dex, okay Strength.
    Kivan - 18-12/17/14 - Awesome Strength, great Dex, meh Con.
    Minsc - 18-93/15/15 - Epic Strength, good Dex, good Con.
    Montaron - 16/17/15 - Good Strength, great Dex, good Con.
    Shar-Teel - 18-58/17/9 - Awesome Strength, great Dex, bad Con.
    Yeslick - 15/12/17 - Great Con, okay Strength, bad Dex.

    From this, we can determine that no Fighter NPC is awesome at every stat. Now, we have Khalid pretty rounded; he gets no strength bonus but he can lift plenty of weight to run around in full plate and what-have-you. Also, Minsc is doing good, with awesome strength and light bonuses to Dex and Con. Montaron does okay too, with a light strength bonus, great dexterity, and a light Constitution bonus. But all of those don't particularly stand out from any of the others, don't you think? If we buff Minsc, he will be by *far* the most rounded, and that will just be a shame to the balance BioWare tried so hard to keep. He's already borderline awesome from having the highest strength and mild buffs otherwise, if you bump up Dex and Con it will make him a very obvious choice of "who is the best fighter, overall."

    Now Jaheira on the other hand? MAYBE needs a buff. Maybe. But I don't think so. What makes you inclined to have her is that she is a Fighter/Druid, which is a great multi-class. She doesn't need to be buffed when she is unique in that respect. She is already a viable choice, and it would make her far too obvious of a good choice in comparison to other fighters to give her a 17 Dex.

    Now onto Viconia. Loses a Constitution point (doesn't matter), and gets an awesome Wisdom buff of +3. Currently in BG1, it is debatable that she is the best Cleric. She shares that argument with Branwen, as Branwen is pretty decent too. People already consider her great. Now, what if we gave her the best Wisdom in the game? Too obviously the best choice of Cleric, enough said. The highest Wisdoms in the game are 16, held by Branwen, Faldorn, Xzar, and Yeslick. People already say Viconia is the best Cleric. If you give her that boost too, it would be too obvious.

    These 5 NPCs *needed* the buff to stay viable in Baldur's Gate II, where every NPC has great stats except for Cernd. But in Baldur's Gate 1, they blend in quite nicely with the rest of the NPCs. As such, they blend in with the rest of the NPCs in BG1 with lower stats, and blend in with BGII's NPCs with higher stats. It should stay this way.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    And its also very likely that Cernd had crap stats so his Werewolf shift would make his stat increases look awesome.
  • MatteoTuriniMatteoTurini Member Posts: 105
    I completely agree with @Quartz.

    Actually, when I started playing BG2 and discovered that all the NPCs were buffed up so much, I didn't like it so much. I would have understood and be fine with, let's say, a point each for old characters (maybe +1 CON to Minsc, +1 DEX to Jaheira, +1 WIS to Viconia, Edwin was fine already but ok with +1 STR and +1 WIS, Imoen was fine already too -- those would have been perfect), and I think they would have been in line with BG2 NPCs.

    Plus, I actually find Imoen, in BG1, extremely overpowered, both as a pure thief (DEX 18 and CON 16? Seems like a CHARNAME!) and a thief/mage (those, plus INT 17!)... I would have liked a little less powerful Imoen (like CON 15), so that other thieves (like Alora or Skie - Safana's still too weak, even with STR 13 and CHA 17. But Montaron is fine) or even mages (no way Xan, Dynaheir, Xar or even Edwin are better!) could have been usable too without making the party losing so much edge.

    As for exporting tome points... I wouldn't care that much. With stats so greatly buffed up, I wouldn't care for a point more.

    That, and I usually use all the tomes on myself, so... :p
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012

    Plus, I actually find Imoen, in BG1, extremely overpowered, both as a pure thief (DEX 18 and CON 16? Seems like a CHARNAME!) and a thief/mage (those, plus INT 17!)... I would have liked a little less powerful Imoen (like CON 15), so that other thieves (like Alora or Skie - Safana's still too weak, even with STR 13 and CHA 17. But Montaron is fine) or even mages (no way Xan, Dynaheir, Xar or even Edwin are better!) could have been usable too without making the party losing so much edge.

    HAH! I actually agree with you. I hate that Imoen is really the easy, brainless choice of pure Thief.
    Edwin is a very easy choice for pure Mage too.

    This is why I don't want the same to happen to other classes, notably fighters and clerics. By my icon, I clearly love Dorn, but I really do hope he's balanced with the other fighters...
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited September 2012
    Well, remember that Imoen is a
    Bhaalspawn just like the Charname

    So her abilities being somewhat higher makes retroactive sense.

    However, I doubt that they knew what they were going to do with her when they put her into BG1. Everything I've read has said that Imoen was a last-minute addition because they needed a thief that wasn't bananas insane.

    In any case, I'd be fine leaving the BG1 NPCs as they are, as long as the tomes can carry over into BG2. There's a thread about it over in Feature Requests:

    I posted my thoughts in greater detail there (along with a solution that I think might make a lot of people happy in general).
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