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NPC's in BG2 have different stats than in BG1 Should this change? (Importing Character's Technical)



  • AshendilAshendil Member Posts: 56
    Sometimes I wonder why people care so much about how OTHER people play THEIR game. A lot of the arguments here seem to aim at that. Using BG2 stats in BG for continuity reasons does make sense in my opinion. However, personally, I do not care about it too much. For me, it definitely will not influence which characters I take into my party. For others, it might. But why should I care?
    For example, I always let Minsc accompany me. I tried letting him go his own way, but I just cannot bring myself to abandon the lovable idiot. On the other hand, I hate Dynaheir. Even if she had 21 in every stat, I would not take her.
    However, if someone wants to decide which characters to take into his party purely based on stats: let him. He wants to powergame, so let him.

    So, to me it would make sense to use the BG2 stats in BG:EE. Should the developers decide to leave them as they are that's okay for me too. Viconia will just have fallen into a tub of wisdom between BG and BG2 somehow, Minsc will have worked out and Jaheira will have had a bear teach her how to hold a staff right.
    (I never got the scimitar proficiency though)
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