Possiblilty of Steam Workshop for mods

Is this potentially an option for the future? or is the engine so out of date hat steam workshop would be pointless? even if it is, it would be a good way of indexing and publicising currently working mods
So, Steam Workshop is something they could look at in the future.
*When the CK2 mod I'm the lead for got too big to host on the workshop it upset a lot of our fans. I still get messages everyday from people unwilling to use the mod unless it's on the the workshop.
I don't think using the Steam workshop as a main host for any mod is a good idea but some very simple mods (like xp cap remover) might work via Steam Workshop so why not have them available there as well.
The problem is that everything else about the Workshop would be a massive step back. I can't see a real win for any of the constituencies--modders, players, or devs.
On a serious point though, even if not all the popular mods would be available on steam workshop, wouldnt it still be worth doing? i dont see any downside to it.
In probably the largest modding community, for the elderscrolls/fallout games, steam workshop acts as a good introduction for people who aren't computer literate enough to install mods by themselves, or people who are unaware the modding community even exists.
I think Tweaks qualifies as a 'popular' mod, to borrow your term, so let's say I endeavor to make a Workshop package for BG2EE. The problem is that there are 4x10^50 different configurations* for a bogstandard BG2EE install. Even if you look at a 'simpler' mod, the problem's still ugly. BG1 NPC has over 30 components, leading to at least 2^30 options--over a billion ways to roll it out. (Exponential math is ugly; just keep this in mind every time someone requests making something optional.
* This is accurate, yes; every couple of years I like to sit down and figure this out for my own amusement. That's a 4 followed by 50 zeroes, or more succinctly (and if I'm reading Wikipedia correctly) 400 quindecillion loadouts.