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Should I Buy Baldur's Gate 2 or Siege of Dragonspear?

ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16
Hello fellow adventurers!

I just beat Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition for the second time ever, and am planning on buying it's sequel BG2:EE or SoD.
I know SoD bridges the gap between games, but BG2:EE has both Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal, included. So I am stumped on which one to buy.

I read reviews about both. And I know they both have their own PROs & CONs- but I am willing to give any game a chance. This is coming from a guy who played Two Worlds (the first one) and had fun, despite the odd character shapes, and voice acting. Many people I know hated that game, but I gave it a chance.
And had fun with it! :)

Another game I loved was Dragon Age II, which was also the least popular in the series. But it was my favorite of the series. So I honestly don't care about reviews.

So which one do you think I should buy?

P.S. Please keep any rude comments about these games outside of the Poll. I just want friendly advice, and help on which one to buy.

~THANKS! o:)
  1. Should I Buy Baldur's Gate 2 or Siege of Dragonspear?59 votes
    1. Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition
    2. Siege of Dragonspear DLC


  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    We went the longest time without Siege of Dragonspear, and BG2:EE will not only allow you to fully continue your character's story, but also allow them to continue to grow in power (assuming you didn't use an level cap booster mod.)
  • magisenseimagisensei Member Posts: 316
    A few pennies:

    SoD just came out and regardless of the reviews it has a few bugs and things that they have not worked out yet. It will need a patch or two and those won't be out for a while probably. Yes, it is still playable but with a few hiccups to it as well.

    SoA: I've played the vanilla version years ago. It was entertaining and by the time you get to ToB it becomes an epic level adventure. With the addition of mods you get play it even longer as they are compatible with EE versions of the games. The biggest issue with SoA is that it is a bit linear in the story line unlike in BG1 but there is still a story and some of the side quests and NPCs quests are fun. The story is darker than BG1. There is a lot more character interaction between NPCs and between you and them as well and that makes for a deeper story.

    If you plan to export your PC from BG1 then you will notice some changes to other NPCs that you played with assuming they joined you in BG1.

    If you've played from BG1 through to ToSC and then are planning exporting into BG2 - then you will notice that your level is a bit high (Level 9) - so if you plan to export from BG1 then do it before your character does ToSC assuming you do it after BG1 concluded as it makes for a more challenging game in BG2. You should be at level 7 or 8 (depending on class) for a nice challenging game at core level (or you could increase the difficulty for a part of the early parts of BG2).

    Personally, I would pick up SoA over SoD.

  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Honestly, its not even close. BG2 gives you about ten million hours more of gameplay and is simply a greater game. Really, it is legendary and is significantly better than even BG1 in the eyes of most fans, never mind Siege of Dragonspear.

    However, Siege of Dragonspear is good too, and worth having. I would get it later if you have the chance.

    This may also be like Star Wars, where it makes more sense to play the games in the order they were released rather than in chronological order.
  • ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16

    We went the longest time without Siege of Dragonspear, and BG2:EE will not only allow you to fully continue your character's story, but also allow them to continue to grow in power (assuming you didn't use an level cap booster mod.)

    The only mod I ever used was the NPC Project, 'cause it's awesome!
    You're absolutely right. It does still allow me to continue my character's story and it would be fun to see what the sequel is like.

    No seriously, get both of them. All three FOUR games tell a complete story when put together. If you're tight on money, you can always get one now and the other later. :)

    Might want to start with Dragonspear since that's the biggest and most spoiler-ridden topic on the forums as of late.

    Don't you think I thought of that already, you simian! /jk :p
    I'd love to get 'em both. But my money is as tight as a pair of yoga pants! :s
    I can see your point on why I should by Dragonspear, though.
  • ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16
    @magisensei BG2 sounds pretty amazing! I look forward to playing through a "darker" story! Plus, more character interaction sounds like fun, fun, fun!

    @booinyoureyes That's what I was kinda thinkin'. To play them in the order they were released.
    I do plan on buying Siege of Dragonspear when I get the chance, later on down the line though.
  • OrangemooseOrangemoose Member Posts: 83
    BG2 no question.
  • ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16

    BG2 no question.

    When an Orange Moose tells you to get BG2, you can't go wrong!
    Thanks @Orangemoose, I think I will get BG2. Most of the simians on here, went with BG2.
    So I guess that settles it! ;)

    Although, I will pick up SoD eventually- I think BG2 will have more than enough to keep me happy!
    Plus, by the time I buy Siege of Dragonspear, it should all be pretty stable (without bugs) by then.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    I have to agree with the people saying get BG2. You'll get a ton more play time out of it than SoD.

    But even so, get SoD when you can. It's totally worth it. If you have Baldur's Gate on Steam you could probably get it for 33-50% off during the summer sale.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Wow, I'm the only one voting for SoD.

    We now have a chance to learn what happens before BG2 starts. It's based on the original Bioware ideas. If I returned to 2000, I would first play SoD and only then BG2.
  • PhælinPhælin Member Posts: 316
    bengoshi said:

    We now have a chance to learn what happens before BG2 starts. It's based on the original Bioware ideas.

    And that is because...?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    bengoshi said:

    Wow, I'm the only one voting for SoD.

    We now have a chance to learn what happens before BG2 starts. It's based on the original Bioware ideas. If I returned to 2000, I would first play SoD and only then BG2.

    i'm under this assumption the only part thats bioware's is the the last part. everything else is beamdog.
  • znancekivellznancekivell Member Posts: 58
    I would buy both! Failing that, I would purchase BGII:EE since it's a much larger game overall compared to SoD.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    bengoshi said:

    Wow, I'm the only one voting for SoD.

    We now have a chance to learn what happens before BG2 starts. It's based on the original Bioware ideas. If I returned to 2000, I would first play SoD and only then BG2.

    You just reminded me, kind of. He could get SoD now, and wait for the Steam summer sale to purchase BGII:EE. Or buy it now for $8 on GOG, so it'd be $28 instead of 40 to get both.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    I voted BG2EE but it depends on when you plan to get the second one. If, let's say, you'll get one this week-end and the next one next month, just go SoD then BG2. Else, if you plan to wait longer between the games, buy BG2, as it is much longer and replayable.
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
  • ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16
    Arunsun said:

    I voted BG2EE but it depends on when you plan to get the second one. If, let's say, you'll get one this week-end and the next one next month, just go SoD then BG2. Else, if you plan to wait longer between the games, buy BG2, as it is much longer and replayable.

    I usually don't buy video games that often, so I may just go with BG2. Maybe when Steam's Summer Sale roles around, I'll pick up SoD. Too many opinions! I like both games, but BG2 has more content, right?
    But SoD is (technically) the next part of the story! But I may not be buying anything else for a while- so I dunno. Maybe I'll go with BG2? :#

    decado said:

    You say you can't afford both and yet I'll bet you still have two kidneys...

    WRONG! I don't have two kidneys! I already donated one of my kidneys, in order to get the first BG:EE! >:)
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    You got robbed my friend considering BGEE is currently selling between £2 and £4 due to current crazy sales...
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    edited April 2016
    @ChivalrousChevalier Check your inbox ;)
  • ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16
    decado said:

    You got robbed my friend considering BGEE is currently selling between £2 and £4 due to current crazy sales...

    That may be so, but it was definitely worth the price of my kidney, at the time! :p
  • znancekivellznancekivell Member Posts: 58
    What would a spleen fetch ya? IWD maybe?
  • ChivalrousChevalierChivalrousChevalier Member Posts: 16

    What would a spleen fetch ya? IWD maybe?

    Possibly. But I'd rather donate my heart. I don't use it much, anyway. It's been sitting in the back of my freezer, growing dust, right next to the frozen chicken patties! :D
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    BG2 is legendary. SoD is awesome, too! You should definitely get both. If you can not get both, get bg2 now and play it for months, after that you can get SoD. Most players played the games in this order, and it was fun.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    It a hard question, really I would say get both, they are worth it really, but as I understand you can't right now, is your version of BGEE is from Beamdog / steam or GG ? if it steam I would say go with SOD as it is the next chapter, and buy BG2EE when it is on sell. It true that BG2ee have more contact and it take longer to play it, but it also the last part of the story.
    So the question is that do you wanna know what happen in between or you wanna know the end??
  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    I love the continuity, so i totally say SoD.
    Of course, bg2ee is less expensive now (i think) and indeed a great game, actually my favourite game in the universe, but i don't think you want just one of these in the long term.
    In your place i would do some paid work for buying them both like a lot of us are advising :D
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    Buy siege of Dragonspear, play it a few times with different type PCs and NPC parties. (Paladin Good Party run, Evil Blackguard run, Multiclass character run, thief, spell caster etc) after a couple of months you'll have the money for BG2 and can go ahead an journey to Amn. If you like BGEE and SoD than I am pretty sure you'll love BG2, but at this point if you think your going to like it why not wait so you can experience it all as it supposed to be according to story R/P. (I envy you having this option and wish I could have played it that order but alas I was born to soon, and am old and bitter now, but that is another story for another time.)

    Enjoy your journey however it unfolds scion of murder...
  • QuiqueQuique Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2016

    Edit: Voting for SOD since once you've completed it, you'll want to play BG2EE too :mrgreen:
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    You will get more bang for your buck right now by getting BG2, and later get SoD. :)
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    "Should I Buy Baldur's Gate 2 or Siege of Dragonspear?"

    YES! (sorry, couldn't resist).

    But if you are wondering, I suggest Siege of Dragonspear first, BG2 later.
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